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The Blind Man: Blog


New Story

Posted at

Good day readers. I've just posted Chapter One of 'The Voyage of the Hawk'. This story is set in the Age of Discovery. It pits a young Portuguese nobleman against the machinations of a Spanish rival. I've marked it historical although that is stretching it a bit. Still it is set in a time and place where men sought to discover new lands and to get rich in the process. I hope you enjoy it.

A Thank You

Posted at

Actually a couple of thank-you's to a couple of readers. First off I'd like to thank PapaKilo14 for picking out inconsistancies and typos in 'My Step-Mom'. I just got around to fix it and reposting the story.

My second thanks is to rkb for checking the last few chapters of Game World for me. He reported finding no corruption of the chapters indicated. I then recieved an e-mail from the reader who had reported the corruption in forming me that he had figured out that it had been his tablet that had screwed things up in downloading the later chapters. So all is well with the story and again thanks to rkb for taking the time to help out.

By the way Happy New Year's to everyone.

Corrupted Chapters

Posted at

I've received two feedbacks in the last couple of days that state that later chapters of Game World are corrupoted. Supposedly it starts around Chapter 85. I've only taken a quick look at 85 and 86 but I haven't found anything yet. Nothing was noted in this regard while the story was still active so this had to have happened in the last week. I'll be going over the chapters after Christmas to find out what is wrong and to see if I can fix it. I will ask that if anyone currently reading the story does come across something that looks screwed up to drop me a email with an extract of the text and I'll check it out.


My Step-Mom Made Me Love My Daddy’s Cock

Posted at

I've just uploaded a new story. It is a one-off 'short' story about a father and a daughter with a twist in it. It is about 20,000 words. I hope people enjoy it and I am looking forward to feedback. Thanks.

A Quick Thank's to Everyone

Posted at

It has been a week since I posted the last chapter of 'Game World' and I thought I would post a big thank you to everyone who has sent me feedback on the story since then. I must say I was impressed with the number of positive comments that I received and the number of people asking for a sequel. I was also impressed with a couple of story suggestions provided by readers as to where I could tale the tale if and when I did write a sequel. I've already decided to include some of it if I do get to writing the next book.

I know I don't get back to many people directly but I am grateful to all of you who have taken the time to write and say good thinkgs. I also wanted to say that I have been busy ever since putting 'Game World' to bed. I've been bouncing between a short 20K word one off story and two much larger works. One I've already written up three chapters on and I am starting the fourth today. Hopefully I will be ready to start posting them in the next couple of weeks. Until then thanks for the support and for reading.



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