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The Blind Man: Blog


Final Chapter - The Voyage of the Hawk

Posted at

The final chapter of the Voyage of the Hawk has been submitted for posting this morning. I didn't get as many chapters that I'd originally estimated but it was close. I'd like to thank all who've read this story and I'd expecially like to thank all the readers who provided me with feed back while I was writing my tale. Your comments were greatly appreciated.

Will Pedro sail again...maybe. I've already have the nucleus of an idea that would pitch Pedro and the Hawk against the Ottamen Empire as the spread out in the Mediterranean. Hopefully I will get to it. For now I'm working on another story that I hope to start posting in the next week or two. Until then, thanks again.


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The proof read / edited version of Chapter 24 has now been posted. Hopefully all the typos have been caught.

Sorry for the Delay

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Sorry for not posting earlier today. My proof reader / editor sent me back the chapter unedited and I didn't notice until I was getting ready to post it. I've been trying to reach him but to no avail. So without further ado I've posted Chapter 24 without any proofing or editing done to it. If you find errors let me know. I'll repost all corrections once I hear back from my proofer. Again sorry for the delay.

Posting Schedule - The Hawk

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The following is in response to a question about the posting schedule of the 'Voyage of the Hawk' Currently I'm posting two chapters a week. One is posted Monday and one is posted Thursday. With all luck I'll be able to keep that up to the end of the story. While I have no fixed number of chapters planned for the story, I do feel that I am currently at the half way point of the story if not a little further along. I think you can expect around thirty to thirty-two chapters in this book.

I hope this answers any questions and helps keeps everyone informed.

Thanks for reading.

A Big Thanks to Dan

Posted at

Chapter Thirteen of the Voyage of the Hawk got posted with more typos than I normally miss. Dan was kind enough to e-mail me several times and let me know where they were. I've gone through and made the corrections and I've reported the chapter. As always I appreciated the feedback.



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