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The Blind Man: Blog


Reposted Chapter Nine

Posted at

I reposted Chapter Nine with about four added paragraphs that fit in between Jake explaining he'd seen a latrine at the village and the paragraph detailing the work he put into it.

The content addresses the reaction of the locals to Jake's technology. I guess this got lost in the work, work and more work and Jake never really noticed it until sompeone dropped me a line and pointed it out. One of the reasons Jake didn't notice it was that what technology Jake and the two women were using was minor and for the most part had parallels in the locals culture. I hope what I added will clarify matters for the rest of you.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated.

Repost of Chapter Two

Posted at

I've reposted Chapter Two again. I've added line of text that clarifies why it might take Quantum days, weeks, or even years to re-establish the link betwen when Jake is and when Quantum is. It's at the point where Jake is explaining to the women that they should pack up and move. Hopefully this will help those who have questions about it.

Thanks for reading.

My Fault

Posted at

I screwed up today. I was fixing a typo in Chapter Two and some how I pasted the wrong corrected text into SOL. I've reposted it. Hopefully it is fixed and everything is back as it was. Just proves you shouldn't let someone visually impaired operate machininery.

Thanks for being patient with me.

Chapter Three and Reposts

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I just put up Chapter Three of Gateway - What Lies Beyond. I've also reposted Chapters One and Two. JIM7 has graciously volunteered to proofread and edit this story and he's already gone over the first two chapters. Hopefully people will find it a clearner read.

Thanks to all those who've emailed me in response to this story. I'm just getting to the emails and your feedback and support has been appreciated.

Gateway-What Lies Beyond

Posted at

I'm posting again. My new story Gateway-What Lies Beyond is a romp in the far of distant past. I hope you enjoy it.

I'd like to say that you are getting the raw stuff. I haven't had it proof-read or edited and I probably won't be getting to it. I'll try to clean it up if someone points out a glaring typo but the chances are I won't get to it. The big issue is my eyesight has dropped of considerably in the last few months and I'm having more and more problems cleaning up what I've been working on.

Speaking about what I've been working on, I have been writing. I've started a dozen-plus stories that I just can't seem to finish. I wrote twenty-five chapters of a zombie-end of the world story and then I just stopped. I've done a prequel to Community Service that I've rewritten twelve times. Part of the problem is me not wanting to through just anything out there onto SOL and part of it has been my failing vision. I get an idea and I want to write it before I can't anymore. So that is why I'm putting Gateway on the site as is. I was on Chapter six of another story last we when Gateway popped into my head. I figured I needed to publish or just go away and not come back so that is what I did. I published.

Again I hope you like it. At the minimum there will be betwen twelve and twenty chapters with no regular posting schedule.

Thanks, The Blind Man



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