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The Blind Man: Blog


To Mark - You're Right

Posted at Updated:

Mark, thanks for the feedback and as I've noted above, you're right. Charles did cross the line and there really wasn't an excuse for it. I don't know where my head was when I wrote what I did. I know that one of the reasons Charles went after the Sea Nymph was because the ship was rowed by slaves and as I've pointed out many times Charles has a hate on for slavery, however that in itself isn't enough justification for him to attack a merchant vessel unprovoked. After all, Charles has shown some tolerance towards Izmir and Blue Harbour because they still maintain a slave owning culture.

Since reading your feedback I've given it some thought and I alread reposted the chapter with changes to give Charles' attack on the vessel a little more legitimacy. I plan to have the ship owned by the Emir of Araknis and while its current cargo is goods, the vessel normally returns carrying slaves taken from the east coast of Africa. Hopefully that will help eleviate the problem with his actions.


Thanks for the Feedback

Posted at

I guess I missed a few things in the last two chapters. I like to thank everyone who picked them up and told me about them. I've fixed them and reposted the corrected chapters.

I'd also like to thank those who sent their best wishes to my editor wishing him well. I've passed your e-mails on to him. The last I heard from him was that he was home and on oxygen. He just sent me Chapter 53 so he is still hard at it. I'll be reviewing it and then I will post it Monday. Until then I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Posted at Updated:

I have to express my regrets that the next chapter of Game World will be delayed. I just heard from my editor that he has been in the hospital and he won't have the next chapter edited in time for posting tomorrow morning. Hopefully he will get it to me this weekend and I'll be able to post it Monday morning.

Again my regrets and apologies.

The Ropes

Posted at

Perhaps I should have been clearer about the ropes that Nimue lowered down so that Charles and the others could climb up. Nimue and Goiania had the ropes wound about their bodies when they climbed the walls. They did not use the ropes because there was no way of throwing the ropes up to the top of the towers without alerting the guards standing there. It was only after they got to the top and they had killed the guards that they could let down the ropes for the others.

Sorry for any confusion. I'll see what I can do to clarify things and repost.

Thanks for the feedback.

Miranda Scott

Posted at

For those readers who remember the name but not the events surrounding Miranda Scott in the story prior to her showing up in Kenos as a slave, here is a little recap on the lady.

Charles and company met Miranda the first night the laid over in Izmir. That meeting occured on day 92 of Charles' life on Game World, so techically while it was weeks ago that he'd met her, I could have said months. In fact two and a half months have passed since the two of them spoke on the veranda of the inn where Charles was staying.

Miranda was a representative of the World Entertainment Review Board. She had been sent to reclaim the pistols that Charles and Felicity were carrying around. She failed in that job and now she is on Game World as a slave. Interesting isn't it. You'll learn more next chapter.

My description of her at the time was simply tall and attractive. She's still tall but she isn't as attractive as before. Life as a slave can do that to a person.




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