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The Blind Man: Blog


Thanks glib24

Posted at

Thanks for the fast catch today on Chapter 41. Fixed and reposted. Keep smiling. :)

Thanks Jim

Posted at

Thanks Jim for the pick up on Chapter One of 'An Awkward Situation'. Fixed and updated.

Thanks Peter

Posted at

Thanks for the typo catch. Fixed and reposted.

Game World as a Universe

Posted at

Antony F Ferrucci wrote me suggesting that 'Game World' would make a great universe uon which other authors could write their own tales and personally I agree and hopefully it will come about. My goal is to complete Game World and then build a 'Welcome to Game World' document that would support others who are interested in using Game World as a template for their own story. The only things keeping this from happening is time and my eye sight. Unfortunately my vision has been decreasing rapidly over the last year and I don't know how much longer I will be able to keep writing. Hopefully I'll get what I want done and then I'll open up a universe and let other authors play.


Posted at

YY4U wrote the follow to me:

read lot of stories. For some reason I am often
able to detect typos. Being relatively new to SOL
I do not know protocol. Is is polite to bring
types to the authors attention or does that just
seem to be a 'smart ass'. Do most authors like
corrections or do they resent people correcting
them? I enjoy the stories as they are, and am just
trying be helpful without being critical. I would
appreciate any advice you can give me.

Personally I accept feedback that points out typos in my writing. I know that they are there and that even though I have had an editor go over my work to proof it, they still occur from time to time. If a person spots one and points it out I fix it and thank them. I feel that this ensures that future readers of my stories get the best possible read that I can give them when they open up my work to read it.

I do know that some authors don't appreciate it at all. I've pointed out typos to some of my favourite authors before and got told that they had no intention of fixing the mistake.

I'd say that your best bet is to take a look at a person's blog before sending him an e-mail about his work. I thank people in my blog and I know others do as well. You can judge an author by what they put in their blog and act accordingly.

That's my advice for what it is worth. If anyone else wants to give yy4u their view, the persons e-mail is below.

Thanks for reading.



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