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Crushed Heart is complete - at least I've submitted the last chapters for posting.
I'm going to wait until next weekend to post the first chapter of Small Deaths. Here's the description:
Ral wants to celebrate the end of his first semester, but he's attacked while running, then he's asked to find a missing member of House Leonis, which leads to the discovery of a new serial killer. On top of those issues, Uniforms treat him like a troubled teen heading for hard times, and Lt. Stanfield's new partner's opinion is worse. What does one do when outclassed, outgunned, and marked for death? He fights. But, can Ral survive and prove his innocence when no one believes in him?
I hope everyone has a good weekend and thank you for reading!
Well, it turns out the blinking power button was an indication of a problem. The Power supply only worked while I held down the test button. Further research told me that this combination of effects only occur when the CMOS battery is dead. So, I replaced the battery and the desktop computer is up and running again!!
Well, it would seem my efforts to post new stories have been brought to a screeching halt.
The laptop I bought last year, brand new, won't charge or even turn on. Problem is I went cheap and bought it from Walmart. The damned thing doesn't have a removable battery like other laptops I've previously owned.
I also bought a refurbished Dell desktop from eBay. Seems the power supply is out on it. Oddly, it has a button on the back. If I hold down the button, everything seems to power up, but it doesn't boot. And the instant I let go of the button, all power is lost.
And I've been wanting to hammer out chapters to post!!
I'm open to suggestions.
I've never been so depressed that I've lost my appetite. Usually I'm just the opposite, I eat more when depressed.
Thanks for reading, folks.
I have already submitted a corrected chapter 3, as well as submitted chapters 5-15 for posting. As I said, these chapters are complete. I'm simply running each one through the free version of Grammarly for final corrections.
Welcome to another thrilling blog post!
For those who have been waiting for the next installment of Sex Magus, I'm sorry to say there will be a delay.
Several years ago, I posted a story called, "Crushed Heart." Later, I pulled it in an attempt at publication but that fell through. Earlier tonight, I decided to post it here again with all current revisions and corrections.
The reason I bring this up is because I have over a dozen chapters for a sequel story titled, "Small Deaths."
I'll be posting chapters for the first story this week, and when its done, I'll start posting chapters for the new story.
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