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I have just submitted chapters 24 through 30 for Small Deaths. The story is complete. Any questions or comments are welcome. Enjoy!
Thank you for reading,
Okay, I'm working on the last chapters for Small Deaths. I'm also going back through the previous chapters I've posted over the last couple of months to make corrections and expand on anything that needs an explanation. Overall, once I post these final chapters and repost the others, this story will be complete and I'll begin work on the next Sex Magus story: Sovereign Magus.
I hope everyone has a good Valentine's Day. Keep your significant others happy!
Thank you for reading,
I've submitted two new chapters for Small Deaths. Ral is in trouble. I had some challenges writing 21, what with all the Powerborne involved. I had to know what all they could do and how they would respond to one another. But, even then, the problems aren't over. Read to find out more!!
Oh, wait! I just posted Chapter 23!! Enjoy!
I know, I know! I haven't posted in a while. I'm sorry. I am working on new chapters for Small Deaths, and am working out the full ending too. I want to make it good, as this story has (really) been in the works for over 12 years.
On a side note...
Ever since I discovered a number of visual novel games, I have wondered what my Sex Magus stories would be like if I tried to write them up as a visual novel? Should I run with the originally posted stories? Should I use all new characters, a new location, and a new story? Should I do some kind of mix, using the same original location and characters but a different story that allows you to discover something else altogether?
Here's what I have going for me:
I have a huge number (almost 500) of characters (including all the originals) with something like 90-100 characteristics each. These details go over everything from body measurements to economic and social backgrounds to possible details in the stories. Any combination of those details can be used.
I believe I can handle writing the stories for each of the characters involved in the game, including all the dialogue and any needed narration. I hope writing all my stories would be helpful in that.
I have been an artist all my life. I even have a deviantart page using my pen name. You can check it out if you're interested. Warning: adult content. Now, while this can be useful, I'm not the fastest artist. it would take me a LONG time to produce the artwork needed for a single scene of dialogue, much less a sex scene. I have been interested in trying out some kind of 3D modeling program or using something like Illusion Honey Select 2 Studio, but I don't want an eastern look for all of my characters (though some would be great!).
I could easily come up with a map of the city, plus the different backgrounds for the different rooms used in the story. Again, this wouldn’t be quick, but it would cut down on the amount of work for others.
Oh, and I’m not looking to put together a team to make this happen – at least, not at this time. I’m simply looking for feedback.
I have also been an amateur programmer for over 30 years. I’m certain I could easily learn and use the language for any VN studio I decide to run with.
Really, the one thing that bothers me most about putting something like this together would be the sound. Now, while I played the Baritone in high school, I am way better at drawing and writing than sound mixing. And no, the game would not include voices for the characters. In fact, I can’t think of a VNG that I’ve played that did. But, having the right mix and background sounds for different environments only adds to the depth of the game, which worries me.
So, before I get in WAY over my head here. The first question that I need to answer is: Do I really want to do this?
I honestly believe that the world I’ve created would make a great VNG. I have some of the elements already: a diverse cast, solid stories for everyone, some ability to do the artwork, and the ability to program in the mechanics. I’m only really missing diverse character art, a decision on the sex scenes, and sound. All of which could kill the game.
So, what to do? Oh! There’s also what players may want from the game. And, this was the original intent of this post. Which way should the primary story of the game go? And this is in vague terms…
Should I base the game on the posted stories? I would use the existing characters, locations, and backgrounds. In the game, the story would be adjusted so that the player can choose different paths from how things go in the posted stories, with the possibility of following the posted story exactly.
Should I base it on the world? I would use a different location with new characters, locations, and backgrounds. Players could explore what it would be like to be a Newly awakened Magus.
Should I make a mix of both? I would use the same locations in the stories, with many of the same characters, but a different overall story for the protagonist. It would take things in an entirely different direction than the posted stories.
Or, should I do something else? This would require some suggestions.
What do you think?
I've just posted chapter 16 of Small Deaths.
I've recently just started a different position at my job. HOPEFULLY, this will allow me to get more writing done.
Thank you for reading,
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