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Holy crap I haven't updated in a while!
I do apologize for the hiatus. It was not intended. Between work, my health, and my home, a lot has been going on.
Fortunately, I'm writing again. And I'm not going to allow a story that I've started to drift off to the shelves as unfinished.
I've just posted a new chapter for Small Deaths, and am working on the next one already. I've waited too long to complete this story and I'll be f****d if I don't finish it.
So, everyone, I'm sure, is wondering what Ral is doing and this chapter won't let you down.
I had a thought while reading the reviews of Master PC - The Protector and New Magus. I know I had named the main character in my Master PC story "Ral" but then made sure to come up with a new name for the MC in New Magus, "Seth." My question now is, should I go back in Crushed Heart and here in Small Deaths and change the MC's name from "Ral" to something else?
Pole type options:
1. Leave the name alone.
2. Rename him to.... blank.
3. Who cares? I haven't read those stories anyway.
Just leave me your thoughts in a response. I'll come up with a few ideas for a future blog post.
More to come. Hope everyone's doing well. Thanks for reading.
Small Deaths
Submitted chapters 11 & 12 for posting.
I have been writing while at work every chance I get. The difficult part is typing up what I've written down and trying not to change too much.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. No, I won't give up any secrets about the current story, like how they stop the killer, and who wants Ral dead (other than the killer). But, otherwise, feel free. :D
thank you for reading,
Damn, it's been a while. I apologize for that. So many things have been going on, I forgot to so much as post a "I'm still alive" post.
As such, I've posted a new chapter for Small Deaths. No, I'm not fully back into writing. My job doesn't allow for so much as note-taking while I work. I drive a bus now. Not school kids, but public transit. Mostly taking the elderly and/or disabled to appointments or home. Every so often, I find enough time to make some notes or go over what I have. This new chapter won't make up for it all, but it keeps things moving. I've also started making notes for my new Sex Magus story. Yes, I'm continuing that one as well. There are just a few hard decisions I have to make before I start writing.
I hope everyone had a good set of holidays and are enjoying your new year.
Thanks for reading,
I posted 2 new chapters for Small Deaths, and because I'm starting to work on details for book 7 of my Sex Magus series, I wanted to know how I ended book 6.
I messed up the posts.
So, now the last three chapters have been revised and re-submitted. They haven't posted yet, but I'm sure they will be soon.
Odd, isn't it. I'm not working a job that allows me to do an real writing while things are down (waiting for the time to pick up my next client), but I have had more focus on my writing lately. Oh, well!
Yes, I'm still alive.
No, I'm not giving up on writing.
So, I'm still working on my new shed, adding insulation to the walls and ceiling and then finishing the walls. Electricity, AC/Heat, and Ceiling Fans are already installed and working. I've also already set up my desk, new chair, and computer. At this stage, I'll take a night each week to do some writing, but weekends will be dedicated to working on the shed. Now that the weather has finally stopped trying to cook us, it's making things a lot easier.
I also just got a CPAP machine. I've been having problems nodding off while driving for work! My doc had me tested and yes, I have sleep apnea. So, I finally got the machine after the appointment was rescheduled 3 times! Hopefully, this will improve both my wakefulness and help improve my energy overall.
As it is things are getting better and I am looking forward to getting more chapters finished for all of you to read!!
Thank you for your patience,
I apologize for the slow chapter posts. I recently purchased a new shed that I'm adding electricity to and about to add insulation. Once the walls are complete and my furniture is moved in, I'll have a much quieter, less distracting place to write. So, I beg everyone's patience as the work continues.
This doesn't mean I'm putting off writing until the shed is done. By no means. It's the reason I've been posting so slowly. :)
Thank you for reading,
For everyone who pointed it out, Chapter 3 has been updated.
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