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TechnicDragon: Blog


Week Off

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This Friday afternoon, I'm heading up to spend a week with my kids in Wichita Falls. I'll try to get some writing done, but no promises.

Hope everyone has a good week and I'll blog with ya later!


Sibling Magus - ch 26, 27 Working

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--==( Sibling Magus )==--
Yeah, I've written two more chapters already, but 27 is already being re-written. Seth's sister, Faith, gives him news he really didn't want to hear, and he learns more about what it means to be a Padrone.

--==( Internet Access )==--
I haven't received any donations for the internet bill, so I'll have to revert to posting chapters when I can. I have access at the Fire Dept., so all is not lost.

--==( Personal )==--
Plans are all set for my trip to Wichita Falls. I'll leave here on the 31st, stay that weekend and return the following Friday (2/7) or Sat (2/8). My ex doesn't have internet access, but I'll be able to take my laptop along and keep working on the story. It could be a very productive week, at least during the daytime hours while the twins are in school. :)


Sibling Magus - Ch 22-25 Submitted

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--==( Sibling Magus )==--
Just like he title says, chapters 22 thru 25 have been submitted for posting.

I've already begun work on the next group of chapters: More is learned about the Lockdown and Seth's new status has more implications than anyone could foresee.

--==( Internet Access )==--
It's that time of month again. No, not THAT time of the month. I received an email regarding my internet bill. $69.20 is due on the 26th and I need your help. Donations can be made through Paypal. Use my email address ( Any help is appreciated and earns you early drafts and revisions of up-and-coming chapters.

--==( Personal )==--
I got a call from my daughter today. Her doctor has determined that she is bipolar. Her mother has the same issue but her meds are exactly what she needs to function normally. My daughter's aren't, not yet. Her call today was hard to listen to. She was upset and wanted to see me. Unfortunately, as all of you know, I'm not in a financial situation where I can drop everything and drive up to Wichita Falls to spend a day with her. I also lack a car. Her mother suggested I come for a visit anyway since our girl can't miss any school. I knew it wouldn't be possible for at least two weeks, and they locked onto that. So, it looks like on the first weekend of February, I'll be going up there to spend a week with them and return the following weekend. When they lived in Arkansas, I didn't have to travel this much - mostly because my kids hadn't hit puberty yet and the affects of that on their emotions hadn't hit. Now, it's looking more and more like I'll have to eventually move closer to them to help out when and where I can, but that's not an absolute yet. For now, I'm looking at that trip, and the cost. And once again, I'm asking for help. if anyone can offer donations so I can have the money ready, it would be appreciated. (see Internet Access for details).

Thank you, for reading, for writing, for following, and for listening.


Sibling Magus - ch 22-25 Working 2

Posted at

I know I keep promising to deliver on these chapters, and the number has grown, but I ended up writing in complications from ideas that I didn't have until after the they were all done. So, while 22 and 23 are done, 24 is going through final reviews, Ch 25 - not originally a part of this mini-episode but ended up included because there's that much going on - is being completely re-written currently. The only changes I expect in 24 are any misspelled or misused words. Hopefully, I'll be just as lucky with ch 25.

Thank you for your patience.


Sibling Magus - ch 22-25 Working

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--==( Sibling Magus )==--
Well, working with my editors, chapter 24 has been split up into two chapters, 24 and 25. I should be posting 22-25 either later today or tomorrow morning. Cheers!



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