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TechnicDragon: Blog


Sibling magus - ch 17 versions

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re-submitted ch 16 for corrections.

just sent second revision of ch 17 to editors for final check. It looks really good to me, but then I seem to miss a lot.

Started work on ch 18. Got most of it written out on paper, so only gotta type it up before sending to editors.

Just getting over a cold, but this cough I have is driving me nuts. It's not an itchy throat like normal, but phlem draining from my nose down the back of my throat and I start coughing until I either spit it up or pass out. Okay, I suppose it IS an itching issue, but not like a normal cough-cough.


Sibling Magus - Ch 16, 17

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I know, I know. I haven't posted chapter 16 yet, but that's because I wanted to make sure the end of the final revision worked with the beginning of chapter 17. Unfortunately, RL has continued to throw me one curve ball after another (really, I need a bigger bat). Anyway, I'm polishing 16 for posting - probably sometime later today - and just sent 17 to editors for their red inks.


edit: Chapter 16 has been submitted for posting.

Sibling Magus - Ch 16 versions

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I've been struggling with chapter 16 for several different reasons (not the least of which has been real life), but I've just sent a version to my editors to go over. Depending on their responses, I could be posting it as early as this weekend. Should the current version stand, then the next couple of chapters are only waiting to be typed up and polished. If I have to revise 16 again, I'm not sure what'll happen in the next chapters (yet).

Crossing my fingers, hoping for good news.


Real Life Update

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I talked to CPS this morning. It turns out they weren't pulling the twins from their mother, but because of the original situation (that I was notified of by the twins older sister), they don't trust that my ex has the twins best interests in mind - which is contrary to everything I know about her.

To be honest, we haven't lived together in over ten years. I'm sure there are things about her I don't know, but when anything regarding the twins comes up, neither of us hold back any information. The call I got yesterday from CPS was for me to convince her to let me have the kids, but not because they were getting involved directly. The agent I spoke to said though that if they do get involved, I would receive a call immediately from them.

Basically, CPS hasn't decided what to do, and that is causing me stress only because I feel like I could get a call from them at any time and I hate being kept on edge like this. If they were to make a decision and act, that would be one thing, but that's not the case.

As it stands, donations have come in, my targeted goal has been reached. Thank you to everyone both who donated and who offered their sympathy. That money is going to sit tight in case I have to take off on this trip, even at a moment's notice.


Real Life Strikes Hard

Posted at Updated:

A week ago Sunday, I was visited by my kids elder half-sister. For those who don't know, I have twins (boy-girl) and their mother had two children from a previous marriage. Well the sister gave me a phone number to call my kids and their mom. A situation came up that I'm not going to go into here. Needless to say, I called them, found out what was going on and made sure everyone was alright.

A few days later, I got a letter in the mail from CPS (Child Protective Services). They wanted to know if I had the means to take my kids if it became necessary. I confirmed that I could, and that was that. I've not been able to focus on anything since the initial phone call with my kids and ex-wife. I've been that rattled and I wasn't even there. It's the reason I've not written anything for the last week or posted a blog for that matter.

Earlier today, I got a call from CPS. Again, they wanted to confirm that I could take in the twins. Then they suggested I contact their mother and make arrangements. Between talking to her and CPS, I found out what they though was happening, and got confirmation that it did NOT happen. However, I am still rattled.

My primary concern isn't having room for the twins, or food, or any other basics. It's making the trip. I live about 185 miles from them currently. Easily a four hour trip, one way. For those who are aware of gas prices in Texas, you know it'll take about a tank to a tank and a half to get there and back. That doesn't even include food or any running around I might have to do if I do go to get them. My son is a highly function autistic. My daughter suffers from stress induced pains in her abs. So, talking to their doctors is just as important as transferring them from their school to the one where I live.

Currently, there are no plans to go get them. I have to wait until the morning to confirm that with CPS (it's currently 8pm here). Normally, I hate asking for help, but this is for my kids. Anyone who can offer a donation to help out, it would be appreciated. I'm aiming at a goal of $200.00 - for gas, food, and any other money I might need for the trip.

I'll post further updates as the need warrants.

Again, thank you for your support.


Edit: The only method I can receive donations as the moment is via Paypal. I have a paypal prepaid mastercard that I can transfer money to for us outside of the net. To make a donation, use my email address ( Again, thank you.



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