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Tamalain: Blog


Errors corrected in Chapter 2

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Thanks REP, I have re-uploaded chapter 2 with the corrections you pointed out. Nothing changed in the story, just easier on the brain to read.

A Farmer I Am Not. Chapter two.

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Andrew learns in a slightly painful way how much is involved in being on the road.

A few Corrections to the Intro.

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A few errors pointed out. I have, I hope gotten them straightened out.

New Journeyer's has Arrived

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The long and painfully written series that is still being written is finally coming to you, the reader. Please let me know what you think.

I have been learning, sort of.

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As I write, I tend to run on, the chapter growing ever longer. I was hitting 14k words, way to long. Now I am trying to break them up into smaller bites of 3500 to 4500 words each. I will admit, this does give me a bit of a buffer on a once a week posting. Book one is is about ready, book two is in final edit. Book three is started and rolling. I hope to start posting the "New Journeyers" series next month, November that is. Now to go get a bad tooth removed. sigh.



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