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Tamalain: Blog


Chapter 5 uploaded

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Andrew is still clearing brush when a stranger comes and visits in the night.

A Farmer I am Not Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 has been uploaded. Enjoy folks, and thank you for all the positive comments. Keep them coming.


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Andrew is 15 Garadallen years. Next is 16.6 years, 18 years, then 20 year. The sister is around 12 or so. Details are vague as they will most likely never be seen again unless an unforeseen plot twist smacks me in the face later down the road. The year is 420 Terran days long, so ages are different from ours. Andrew is older than 15 in Terran years. I haven't figured the difference out yet, may never do so.

Chapter 3

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Andrew continues to learn and prepare to leave home.


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After seeing the issue Aubie56 had about the girl of 12 being raped mostly off camera, I have to wonder if events Andrew encounters later would prevent the further posting of A Farmer I am Not. Andrew comes across the event after the fact. Does even referencing such events act as cause for refusal to post.



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