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First, my thanks to many of you who have written about the current tale. I really appreciate the "flounder mail" (as Bullwinkle might call it).
Second, I know there are a number of typos in the first chapters. There is also an arachnidal slip. My intent is to wait until about Chap. 5 and then revise all that has gone before.
I've begun a new story. The first few hundred words will go up shortly. Thereafter, I'm hoping to post two chapters a week. Some of this is a consequence of several notes over the past few months. If any of you have a first reaction, please let me know.
I am overwhelmed! I received 16 responses in under 30 minutes.
The author was Argon. Thanks, again.
A while back, there was a tale of a parole officer who ends up with one of his parolees. Can someone supply me with the author's name?
Though Jay says he's not a professional fiction author, I think he does very well. And I, too, have received my share of stupid and unhelpful troll-ings. Though I am not a professional fiction author, I think that I've published (and been paid for) enough to be considered a professional author -- of non-fiction, of translations, etc.
I've appreciated comments from many readers; but the number of semi-literate effusions has waxed over the past decade.
If you can't say something constructive, try to restrain yourselves.
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