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Megansdad: Blog


I'm disappointed

Posted at

Since the first post of SES I haven't received a since feedback, no complaints (that's always good, no compliments, and no suggestions. While I don't live for feedback; some would be nice. I've looked at the stats and seen the number of people who have me listed as favorite author, and have my story in their favorites list; that's all I have to go on to determine how well my story is liked. so if you liked my stories please feel free to let me know. As much as I enjoy writing I like to know when people like what I've put my time into.

Approaching update.

Posted at

I know it's been a while since I posted a chapter. I am currently working on chapter 6. During the writing I needed to go back and find Sam's birthdate. While reading through the Prologue I noticed that I alluded to a fashion show. then sent Aiko home. I am rewriting that chapter to include Aiko trying on Martha's dresses. I may to do a complete rewrite to work it into the story since Aiko wasn't allowed to wear clothes for the first month and wasn't allowed to bring her clothes with her. I have an idea. I'll work it into the prologue and chapter one and see how it looks. Since they are rewrites I will try to get them posted later this week.

Chapter 6 is going to be a long one, so it will be a bit longer.

Posted Chapter 5

Posted at

I know it's been awhile since I posted, but that is what happens when you lose your sight. I lost my sight in both eyes due to diabetic retinopathy. After two surgeries I got sight back in one eye. The other eye is still healing. Anyway Chapter 6 is up and I am starting chapter 6. Enjoy


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Ok, It looks like I have some inconsistencies in Chapter two. I said Aiko had a black centurion card when shopping for funeral dresses. That was before I researched the card. Aiko doesn't actually spend enough to qualify for the invite to be a member, so I said in Chapter 4 I think that she only has a platinum card. I will rectify that and repost. I still have to repost the prologue , which I haven't done yet.

This story is averaging 1300+ downloads a week and not a single feedback.


Posted at

Looks like I will be reposting SES prologue. I was looking through the prologue to verify some information when I noticed that I had some inconsistencies in the storyline. I liked the changes I made in chapter one so I rewrote those parts of the prologue to match. I will read through one more time before I repost.
Working on chapter 2 now. hope to have it posted sometime this week.



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