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For those of you who have read SES, you may remember that I put in a placeholder for the trip to Paris. If anyone who lives in Paris, France or has visited there, I would like to offer the opportunity to contribute to my story by helping me map out what a bunch of girls would do in Paris. Shopping, dinning out, entertainment, hotels for the wealthy, etc. Each contributor will receive an honorable mention for this section of the story.
I am working on a new story called House Valen. I think I am going to get it as close to completion as I can before I post.
I have been tossing around some ideas on how to continue SES. Even though I had surgery on my left hand it is still crippled. I have one finger on each hand that works for typing so I am pretty slow.
Hopefully, I will actually finish a story before I die. Bear with me, I will try to complete a story sometime before your grand children start college.
For those of you that have already read SES you need to read it again. I have completely rewritten the Prologue and chapter 5. The Prologue had three pages and about 3000+ words added to include a scene I originally only hint about. Chapter 5 got about 10 pages added to it in order to elaborate on Aiko's personality. I've gone through the story 3 times before reposting it so if you find and errors I any have missed send feedback and let me know; especially if it's a character detail I've gotten wrong. I typically keep other chapters open to verify certain details I don't have in my character notes.
Since the first post of SES I haven't received a since feedback, no complaints (that's always good, no compliments, and no suggestions. While I don't live for feedback; some would be nice. I've looked at the stats and seen the number of people who have me listed as favorite author, and have my story in their favorites list; that's all I have to go on to determine how well my story is liked. so if you liked my stories please feel free to let me know. As much as I enjoy writing I like to know when people like what I've put my time into.
I know it's been a while since I posted a chapter. I am currently working on chapter 6. During the writing I needed to go back and find Sam's birthdate. While reading through the Prologue I noticed that I alluded to a fashion show. then sent Aiko home. I am rewriting that chapter to include Aiko trying on Martha's dresses. I may to do a complete rewrite to work it into the story since Aiko wasn't allowed to wear clothes for the first month and wasn't allowed to bring her clothes with her. I have an idea. I'll work it into the prologue and chapter one and see how it looks. Since they are rewrites I will try to get them posted later this week.
Chapter 6 is going to be a long one, so it will be a bit longer.
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