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Looking for an older story

Posted at 7/31/2020, 7:19:12 PM

I want to thank the reader who knew the story I was looking for.

Life: The Gorland Edition by Bend/Japa

I first read this story long before I knew the library, history, and favorites list even existed. Not that I had access to it all, I wasn't premium at the time.

Looking for an older story

Posted at 7/31/2020, 4:30:41 PM

I am looking for a story that I read some years ago. I went through my history and didnt find it.

It is about a magic board game. Three women and three men are the players. The women have to wear the collars and the men wear Masters rings. The game causes body modifications and forces them to complete the tasks in each square they land on.

After the game ends the women still have to perform the final tasks, which are sexual acts in public. Like giving a blowjob to a stranger in public.

Has anyone heard of this story? Anyone remember the name and author?


Posted at 3/27/2020, 8:37:31 PM

I am writing a short story and I am in need of a pretty detailed account of a varsity high school championship football (American football) game. I hate football (ironic, right?) and know next to nothing about the game. This will be the first time I have reached out to work with another author. I hope it goes well.

Part 3 of CC975692

Posted at 9/4/2019, 9:27:20 PM

Just posted Part 3 of my series CC975692. I didn't go as I had planned. I was going to have a nosey couple stumble upon the ship. Alena was going to kill the guy and hold the girl as a prisoner. Then after a year I was going to detect a Drakk ship entering the solar system. I was going to ask the readers to decide the direction of part four. 1. do I set the girl free to rebuild her life, use my spare body to turn her into my twin, or kill her. 2. Is it a single ship that I can destroy or is it a flotilla/armada and I leave Earth to its fate and run for it. But since the story ended with Alena dying I guess that's not happening. It's not the first time a story has evolved into something other than what I originally envisioned.

If I get enough response I may do part 4. The downloads so far have been pretty pathetic compared to SES and dream come true. There will be other stories, just keep following me and watch for updates.

CC975692 just posted

Posted at 8/25/2019, 4:18:59 PM

I just posted a new short story. It is just a blurb based on a dream I had. I have the mission and there is more to the story/dream. If you guys like what I've posted so far I'll post the rest. I turned on comments for this story. so let me know what you think. Before anyone flames me, I know there is little character development and not much substance to the story. I did that on purpose. I posted it just as the dream happened. I wanted feedback before I expand on the story.



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