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Just posted Part 3 of my series CC975692. I didn't go as I had planned. I was going to have a nosey couple stumble upon the ship. Alena was going to kill the guy and hold the girl as a prisoner. Then after a year I was going to detect a Drakk ship entering the solar system. I was going to ask the readers to decide the direction of part four. 1. do I set the girl free to rebuild her life, use my spare body to turn her into my twin, or kill her. 2. Is it a single ship that I can destroy or is it a flotilla/armada and I leave Earth to its fate and run for it. But since the story ended with Alena dying I guess that's not happening. It's not the first time a story has evolved into something other than what I originally envisioned.
If I get enough response I may do part 4. The downloads so far have been pretty pathetic compared to SES and dream come true. There will be other stories, just keep following me and watch for updates.
I just posted a new short story. It is just a blurb based on a dream I had. I have the mission and there is more to the story/dream. If you guys like what I've posted so far I'll post the rest. I turned on comments for this story. so let me know what you think. Before anyone flames me, I know there is little character development and not much substance to the story. I did that on purpose. I posted it just as the dream happened. I wanted feedback before I expand on the story.
Ok, it's obvious I have trouble finishing what I start, so I have decided on doing short stories. This way the story will be complete by the time it is posted. the story I am working on now is called After Party.
I have finally begun to do some brainstorming for chapter 8 of SES. I am also gathering some information about Paris, France so I can start working on the shopping trip. Also, a fan clued me in on some facts about Mensa and IQ tests. So I may work on Aiko's character some more. If I can keep the muse I may have something to post by the return of Christ. LOL Good thing I don't have any publishing deadlines. If there are any readers who have been to Paris or live in Paris I would appreciate some input. I will give all due credit.
For those of you who have read SES, you may remember that I put in a placeholder for the trip to Paris. If anyone who lives in Paris, France or has visited there, I would like to offer the opportunity to contribute to my story by helping me map out what a bunch of girls would do in Paris. Shopping, dinning out, entertainment, hotels for the wealthy, etc. Each contributor will receive an honorable mention for this section of the story.
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