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I may not be ranked among the top authors on this site and I haven't ever received a score above an 8 but apparently, some readers like my work anyway. Even after all these years, I still get high praise for 'A Dream Come True' as well as requests to finish it. That story was the first story I posted here. I want to finish it and make it the best story in my list but I just draw a blank on how to finish it.
I will be rewriting Royal Slaves. I want to elaborate on the conspiracy about the queen's involvement in the minor rebellion of the Nobles that killed Sophia's father. I also want to explain how the wanted posters came about. A reader asked about them and I was thinking of either the Chinese woodblock press from the 9th century or the Gutenberg press of the 15th century. I wouldn't mind adding a bit of parallel alternate history to the story. Maybe some ghost stories about people seeing Etheria centuries after she should have died. No one knows she's immortal so they think she is a ghost, a spirit, or a demon.
I am also working on a rewrite of one of barelin's stories called Emirella Hotel. I changed the title to The Legend of the Emirella Hotel. It is so different than barelin's version that he gave me permission to post it on my page.
Jacob Davis (working Title) is in the 'First Draft' stage and is only partially complete. I am writing the last chapter of The Legend of the Emirella Hotel. I hope to have it completed by the end of this week Nov 3, 2023. So I can set it aside for a week or so before tackling the second draft. I don't have a completion date for Jacob Davis. It looks to be quite large so I may break it up into separate parts. Maybe chapters, I haven't decided yet.
Well, that's my update. Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions, or ideas, or want to bring any errors to my attention.
I was checking my homepage and making sure I had all of my stories. I had all of them except for School Property. I downloaded it and read through it and was shocked at how poorly it was written. Did I really post this story without editing it? Anyway, I went through the story and cleaned it up. Hope it gets better ratings.
I recently posted Pony World and while Lazeez posted it he changed the MC's age from 13 to 14. By doing that he broke every other reference to ages. I had to find his changes and update everything else. I am pretty sure I found them all. Let me know if you guys see one I missed so I can fix it.
I'll never understand why people are so hung up about the nudity of minors. Nudity is NOT synonymous with sex. Nudity in and of itself is just not wearing clothes. After a while a person forgets they are naked, it becomes as natural as wearing clothing.
I am not harping on Lazeez or the moderators of other sites, they are just doing what they have to, to protect their sites and obey the laws of their countries. It's social conditioning at its finest, right?
After millennia of preaching body shaming by the church, I wonder how interesting life would be if laws were passed suddenly making most countries clothing optional, even for children. How much money families would save not having to buy clothes for kids that will outgrow them in six months?
End rant.
I am posting a revised version of The Job Offer. There is no reason to re-read the story (unless you want to) as nothing in it has changed. What I did was make the letter sent to Emily an image to retain the original font which SOL removed from the original post. The letter was supposed to appear handwritten but SOL changed the font and formatting. So I used the snipping tool to copy the text and turn it into a jpeg image. I tried embedding the font but it made it too large to post and no one accepts embedding. I hope this works. If so, I will use this method for such things as phone texts and handwritten letters, and other forms of fonts and formatting that are currently unsupported by the sites. I guess you could say this is a loophole.
I just posted my new story and I already have to repost it to fix something. I had the note inside the invitation in a table to make it look handwritten but it didn't convert to SOL. It was removed from the story So I have to remove the table and try something else.
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