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Option 1 (Free): 0
Option 2 (Pony): 1
Option 3 (FINO): 1
If you don't know what this is about, please read my last post.
I had an epiphany. I really don't want option 1 because it is just boring. However, if my fans choose that option I can move forward with her decision to be adopted or not.
If option 2 is chosen then the adoption is off the table. Lisa gets auctioned off. The money goes to her parents since she is a minor and still under their care sort of. Thomas goes to jail for fraud and his ranch is sold to pay for the fines and his employees are laid off. Lisa will end up being bought by the person who owns Danica. I will touch on that in the epilogue.
If option 3 is chosen, Lisa will become a self-employed ponygirl. She will be ordered to contract herself to the Smith Ranch and will train and compete for the Smith Ranch with weekends off. She will work as a ponygirl taxi every other weekend and off duty to rest when not working as a taxi. Her company name and Ponygirl registration number will be permanently tattooed on the outside of both thighs above her right breast. Her real name will be tattooed above her left breast. I think this will be a lifetime sentence. Since this is a judicial punishment the age restriction on owning a company and being a pony taxi will be waived. The letters SE will be added to her Reg number. She will have to hire her own groom or pay Mr. Marshall to be her groom, not sure which way I'll go. Maybe both. The new groom can be part-time for when she is a taxi. She will have to pay for her room and board at the ranch but will receive a portion of the purse if she wins anything at the sanctioned events.
This is just a portion of the end of chapter four and a hint of the epilogue. Now if I can just figure out the actual investigation part. I tried working with chatGPT for ideas on how an investigation should go but it has been less than worthless. But it has given me a few ideas I could run with. So maybe not completely useless.
I hope more of my fans will vote on the poll. thank you all for reading my stories, it lifts my spirit to know how much people like reading my work.
Poll so far
Option 1 (free):0
Option 2 (Pony):1
Option 3 (FINO):1
I am working on chapter four and would like to submit a question to my fans. As a result of the investigation should Lisa be found guilty of pretending to be a ponygirl and participating in a sanctioned event or should she be found not guilty? I can go either way. I was also thinking of something in the middle such as making her FINO (Free in Name Only). This would make her a registered ponygirl but still live like a free person working on the Smith ranch. It could be an option she would accept in lieu of Thomas losing his license and going to prison. Should I make her sentence, if I go that route, limited time or a lifetime sentence?
Option 1: Lisa is acquitted of wrongdoing
Option 2: Lisa is found guilty and registered as a real ponygirl (limited time or life sentence?)
Option 3: Go the FINO route and let her train and compete while still working on the ranch.
I had the AI Version removed since it got such a poor rating. Out of over 1300+ downloads only 13 voted. For a whopping score of 4.71. So I'm starting over. I'll use the original as a template and add more conflict by making Dani as character more active in Lisa's life. I am thinking about adding more bondage and discipline. It will just take a bit longer to work it out.
I suddenly had an urge to read My Ponygirl Journey and I am so glad I did. I found and corrected so many spelling and grammar issues. I found and deleted several references to events I deleted from the first draft. I am shocked I missed those the first few times I went through it. I am still considering a complete rewrite. I want to expand Lisa's experience and add more of Danica for the conflict.
Several days later:
I have been playing with chatGPT and found that it can do wonders for wording, grammar, and punctuation. Just playing around I had it rework each paragraph in chapter one of My Ponygirl Journey. I posted it here to see what you think. The explicit material is all my own as chatGPT will not do it. For some of the paragraphs I had to reword the explicit material so chatGPT would enhance the paragraph, then I went back and added the explicit material back in. You can tell the difference in the manner of speech between me and the AI. Please let me know what you think of this version and should I continue to use chatGPT to enhance my writing.
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