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Megansdad: Blog


The Babysitter Book 1

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Looks like it will be mid-March before I can finish The Babysitter Book 1. My space bar only works part-time, and my CPU fan bearings are making noise. I called HP support, and they said the pressure sensor under the spacebar will need to be replaced and since the fan and cooling tubes are integrated all of that will have to be replaced as well. Since my laptop is out of warranty, I'll have to wait till March to pay for it then wait for them to ship a box so I can ship it to them, wait for it to be fixed, then wait for it to be shipped back to me. Man, that's a lot of waiting and I'm going to be nice enough to share it all with you guys.

On another note, I have received a lot of accolades for The Babysitter as it is written, I decided to finish book 1 as is. This is the version I will publish. The rewrite is more appropriate for SOL than anywhere else. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that this wasn't going to end up my third inactive story. It's the computer's fault this time, not the author's.

The Babysitter Book 1

Posted at Updated:

Some of you will be happy to know I have almost completed Book 1 of The Babysitter. Then you'll be unhappy that I won't be posting the last chapters just yet. I have completely rewritten an element of Emma's character; it will help explain some things. I have changed Evan from XY to XXY. I had originally planned to do that all along I was just going to reveal it in book 2. I had to reveal it early to smooth out a wrinkle. Karen has 38D breasts, and Katie has 36C breasts, so why would Evan/Emma not have breasts? I gave him/her 28B breasts. It is the average size of breasts an intersex (XXY) person would have if large breasts were common in the family, according to my Google search, even if the ovaries are underdeveloped. There will still be the internal struggle caused by being brought up as a male for 14 years. But having natural breasts will remove some of the fear of being caught. She can be seen topless while still refusing to remove her panties in front of others when changing clothes. Even with breasts Emma will still think she is a boy and still try to push Eric away. I will keep the romance between them, I mostly wanted a way to express the underlying element of why children take to her so easily and explain Sophie's reaction to Emma. I hope my changes make the story better.

I also cleaned up the errors people pointed out and changed the story to 1st person POV. I hope I didn't spoil too much of the story. Also, I won't pull the story and repost it, so there won't be a need to bookmark it again or re-add it to your favorites.

Later in the day
I suddenly have an urge to make The Babysitter more adult-oriented.

Option 1: Continue the story as is. (more young Adult/ Teen oriented)
Option 2: Rewrite it, focusing more on the effect Emma has on Autistic children and later her inner circle of friends.
Option 3: add nudity safely and tastefully. (more of an over-18 audience)

I don't know how to do a poll on here so this will have to do. PM me with your vote.

The Babysitter

Posted at

In my attempt to keep the chapters short, I originally broke chapter 3 into two parts. Since the word 'short' doesn't apply to the following chapters I recombined the parts into a single chapter. No other changes were made to Chapter 3.

Chapter 4 was reposted because I made a large enough change, I thought it would be worth it.

Chapter 5 is up now.

While I do love to read your comments, I would like to ask my readers to refrain from pointing out the errors in the story. I know they are there. These chapters are only a second draft and are unedited. All of the chapters for Book 1 are mapped out and only need to be drafted before I post them.

As for Book 2, I have almost all of it mapped out, but I will wait until Book 1 is complete before I start on it. I will most likely take a short break after I repost the final drafts of the chapters of Book 1.

Thank you all for reading my stories and making all of my efforts worthwhile.

New transgender Story

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For a couple of years, I have wanted to post a book on Amazon but never wrote anything I felt was worthy of selling on Amazon. I am posting chapter one of the book which will most likely be around 10 chapters. I have put more effort into this one chapter than most of my other stories. I hope it is well received.

Inactive stories.

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I know that there are many reasons for a story to become inactive. I, myself, have two stories that are incomplete and inactive. I was wondering if anyone knew if anything happened to tefler. His awesome story Three Square Meals has gone inactive. It is one of the few stories I rated as a 10 and would love to see the end of it. Should I leave it in my library in the hope he will continue the story or should I archive it as is and remove it from my library?

I know how it is to lose inspiration for a story, that's why my two are still inactive. I also know that it is sometimes difficult to know when an author passes away. I am a big fan of Mark Chessman's work and it took a few years before I learned of his passing.

Believe it or not, was the first website I found where I could read the types of stories I craved that weren't censored. It pains me to learn about the passing of such great authors. I would like to suggest the creation of an SOL Memorial Day-style holiday celebrating the authors who have passed away. A day when authors can write a story in the style of their favorite author who has passed away or has become an inactive author. What do you think, Lazeez? Could this become another writing category similar to the clitorides or Halloween contests? Or am I out of line?



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