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Jack Spratt: Blog


My Everett Mountain Retreat-More Pt. Two

Posted at

The Chapter is now in the posting queue. For the 101 readers that have been looking forward to it, I hope it doesn't disappoint.
To my Canadian Readers::::::: Have a great Thanksgiving Weekend.

My First Field Trip

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This is in the queue for posting.. First posting of this story was in 2001
A short story about a young girl evolving. Enjoy

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More Pt. Two

Posted at

My last blog did create a little interest, the reader count has climbed to nose bleed level, 79. I do attempt to answer each and every email I receive, however, the last group overwhelmed me. I wish to thank each and every one of you.
The suspense is starting to rise for at least five readers, with More Pt. Two, to be submitted for uploading sometime Saturday. For others, I hope you enjoy it when you do get around to downloading it.
Bunnies are doing well, the Mountain is still lush with greenery.

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More Pt. Two

Posted at

This is a notice for the 51 readers, that have confirmed via email, they are very interested in the next chapter of the adventures of Don and his bunnies.
Saturday morning is likely the queue date when I will be able to upload the file to SOL.
The second edited draft was returned to me today. If all goes well, my review should be completed by late Friday.

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More

Posted at

For the 47 readers that are following Don's Adventures, this is the latest update:
I have received the first edited version of the next chapter, and am now in the midst of reading and reediting the new version. When I am done it will be returned to my editor for his final edit, once it is returned I will review it for any updates or changes. Then it is up to me to release it. Could be a couple of days or a week.
More good news: The bunnies are fine, enjoying the fall, the Barrett just had a test firing, all is working well, so bunny haters beware!!!



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