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Jack Spratt: Blog


My Everett Mountain Retreat-More

Posted at

Good News: My Editor will have the first edited draft to me by tomorrow morning. If all goes well I should be able to complete my review in two days.
More good News: We are now up to 47 dedicated readers, and many support my bunnies running around free without having to look over their shoulders for bad people.......... You know who you are!!!!

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More

Posted at

Good News: For the 41 readers that are interested in the continuing adventures of Don and the people that piss him off!!!
My editor has advised me that he has ten pages left on his first edit, I should be reviewing his edit in a couple of days.

Not so good News: There are still some nasty readers are still sending me very disparaging remarks about my bunnies. Not Nice.


'Abby's Kisses' still needs a larger readership

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More

Posted at

News about my Editor, his health is improving, he is progressing with the first edit of the latest of Don's adventures. If all goes well, he may be able to complete his first edit by the weekend.
For many that pointed out the glaring errors in 'Ashton Stone' most errors have been corrected and an update version of all three chapters have been posted. The chapters were originally written in 2007-8 and 'perfection' hadn't been invented at that point. :)
Bunnies are still doing well in spite of some very derogatory comments from some nasty readers, referring to stews, pies and barbeques.

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More

Posted at

First, for the kind readers that are concerned about my bunnies welfare, they have had a great summer. For those who may have disparaging ideas about my bunnies, I wish to advise that the Barrett is manned 24/7.
Good News: The reader base has increased to 41, as a few more are reading the blog entries and took the time to advise me.
Not so Good News: My editor is currently down for the count, fighting an affliction, that has him in great pain. My last contact from him, advised he is on the mend, but slowly. He is editing a couple of pages at a time, this delay just makes anticipation grow, for the readers looking for another shot of Don, his adversities and of course the solutions! Just to give you an idea of the of my editors work load for the next chapter, it has surpassed 95,000 words.
In the meantime, if you are looking for a romantic Read try 'Abby's Kisses'.

Ashton Stone - Caught in the Trap

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The third chapter is now in the queue for posting.



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