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Jack Spratt: Blog


Ashton Stone - Caught in the Trap

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I am curious, is there any interest in a third part of this series? Few have read the first two chapters. Jack

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More

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For those readers that have favored me with email, I answer all, however recently, I have had six bounce back stating email address is incorrect. So if you didn't get a reply that is why.
On a happier note, we now have confirmed 38 readers, is seems that one reader has a cat the enjoys my tales, so 1/2 for a dog, 1/2 for a cat, give a complete reader.. For those interested, the bunnies are fine.

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More! Part 2

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The current review revealed more errors, these are being corrected. If I don't correct them, there are a number of readers who enjoy bringing them to my attention!! On a lighter note, the dedicated readership is now confirmed at 24 1/2, as I mentioned one reads to his dog, the dog enjoys the bunny parts. The edits and re-edits are very time consuming. But we are moving forward. Jack

My Summer Job

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A few readers have expressed an interest in the story continuing.. Part three will be available shortly.

My Everett Mountain Retreat-More! Part 2

Posted at

Just an update, I am completing the second review of the draft, still finding stupid errors. The original interested readers will be happy to hear, the number of interested people has swelled to 14 1/2, the half is are result of one reader entertaining his dog by reading out loud. For others, I am happy to report that the bunnies are well and have enjoyed the summer. Keep reading my blog for updates. Jack



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