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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Jack Spratt: Blog


Season's Greetings

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Don and all of his bunnies on Everett Mountain wish all a "Merry Christmas".

For those who are interested Don's Bunnies are doing well, in spite of a few who would be roasting more than chestnuts at the fire.

May 2016, bring all, a great year.

Jokes and Giggles

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For the few readers that enjoy 'Jokes and Giggles' and are using tablets or smart phones, there is now a function called 'Bottom' that directs you to the last chapter, without scrolling. Hope that helps.

My Everett Mountain Retreat-- A Challenge

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The response has been overwhelming. There have been a large number of possible solutions put forth. As many of my readers know, I usual answer all my email personally, but in this case it may be impossible. Thanks to all that took the time to provide a possible solution to Don dilemma. Only time will tell what actually happens. Thanks again.

My Everett Mountain Retreat-- A Challenge

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Don has a challenge for his 104 confirmed readers, how to breach 16 Scott Lane, Adamscourt safely; with no loss of life for the Vets, we know it is a fortress surrounded by a ten foot stone brick fence topped with razor wire and electrical strands as well as the numerous cameras all facing downwards. There are an unspecified number of bad guys roaming the interior armed to the teeth. The solution has to be unique, and achievable. The creator will get given credit at the start of the next chapter, if and when it is written.

My Everett Mountain Retreat

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The Everett Mountain Series is now in one directory in chronological order. It contains ten chapters. Enjoy.



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