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Another Anonymous Reader who has something
Positive to say!!!
I know that disgruntled readers are unhappy about
something. But for those of us who think
everything's okay -- are we "gruntled readers?"
Perhaps other readers can add to or can explain it.. :)
Another Anonymous Comment from a disgrunted
Posted : 2016-08-15 - 9:11 pm
Lol i like your jokes & giggles when im in a bad
mood they fix me right up. Thanks
Another reader who doesn't have the intestinal fortitude to give a name.
My suggestion to you, is the same as the other Anonymous reader, DO NOT READ ANYTHING POSTED by Jack Spratt under
"Jokes and Giggles" it may upset you. To my other readers, enjoy.
Jokes and giggles I like, moralistic crap is not
laughable or funny!
I have had a number of readers complain about 'Jokes and Giggles' They are getting stale, They show up too often. Quite trying to hog the head lines with the daily postings. The following is from a reader, and with his permission I quote from his email.
"It's a french thing...
Oh my cousin I was sending the jokes to is out of
the hospital.
He sent me a e-mail saying "thanks for the jokes "
I thought you would like to know.
Thanks for taking the time
When are you going to write something? I keep
wondering how the bunnies are doing without your
That is the purpose of 'Jokes and Giggles' giving a moment of mirth to someone in need of a smile.
From Anonymous
Don't you think it may be time to start on
something else? This is getting monotonous. Plus I
think you're 'billboarding' just so your name
appears on the first page of updates every day.
Just my 2 cents...
May I suggest from this point on when you see anything posted under 'Jack Spratt', you do not download, do no peak at what may appear!!!
There are a few readers that seem to enjoy my feeble posting of humour, you are obvious NOT one of them.
There are many other authors works available to you, from this point on please ignore all of my postings.
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