Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Jack Spratt: Blog


The Information Request. Has been resolved

Posted at

Thanks to a number of responses from readers, I now have the information I require. I personally thank to all who responded.

An Information Request...

Posted at Updated:

Looking for information regarding the 'Martial' Arts, training schedules, achievement levels, uniforms, items and words associated with each discipline.

Thank you.


Everett Mountain; a new Chapter???

Posted at

My personal situation has changed recently, allowing me to consider writing once more. I was considering another chapter to 'Everett Mountain' series, but the recent reader interest to the new chapter of the "Mats Rogers Saga' has me having doubts about writing again. The reception to a new chapter of "Mats" was, let's say SOFT.
If there is still interest in "Everett Mountain" let me know.


My Email is Now Active Once again

Posted at

To all my regulars, who are so kind to forward new material for 'Jokes and Giggles'. Please make sure that my email addy is not in your Spam filter. That is what is cause the blockages. When I respond to you, it goes into your spam filter, and if enough end up there, your service files a complaint, then I am hammered.
Please check today.

Thanks Jack

My Email Addy

Posted at

It is currently block, someone has been reporting my email is a source of Spam... this the second time. There has also been several attempts to hack it. Joy of joys.
Will let you know when it back on line.



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