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Harry Carton: Blog


By the way

Posted at

I update the 'Cast' of Lexi Redux every once in a while -- today (6/9/21) for example. If you're getting lost in the vast, enormous list of Navajo, Shoshone names and places (okay, it's just large) you should check the Cast of Characters. There are minor spoilers in there, so read at your own risk.

I've got it now

Posted at

Based on the feedback from the readers of Lexi Redux, I know what I've got to do now...

I should post nothing until the entire opus is finished, AND I should post longer chapters at longer intervals, AND I should post faster, AND I should keep on what I'm doing in terms of length and frequency.

SO, I'm going to going to post fast and slow, with short and longer chapters and not until it's all done, but the same as now.

[blows the dust from my hands] ... Simple.

One they forgot to mention... I'm going to leave out all the punctuation and post it in one paragraph. With no spaces

Yeah, that's the ticket

Posted at

You know... I don't proofread my blog posts. So, when I said "morays" -- well I kinda knew about moray eels, but I wasn't thinking of them. But thanks for the dozen or so emails about that particular slip. You all can be my Muraenidae editors, if I ever write about them.

[Start Jon Lovitz font]
Wait. I put that in there on purpose. Yeah, that's the ticket.
[End Jon Lovitz font]

An idea, perhaps

Posted at Updated:

What thing would a 1850 cowboy DO in the modern US world. He's (probably) a lawman, so he's a "good guy." I know he'd have issues with modern social/sexual morays and and things (tv, cars, cities, etc.). I've got about 2 chapters tentatively written, but I don't have anywhere for this guy to go, and I don't feel like writing just a "personal growth story."

Discussions welcome. I'll, of course, credit you if I wind up using your idea(s). Co-author is a possibility.

short chapters

Posted at

Some people (like my editors and a couple of readers) seem to not like my short chapters. I like 'em when I just want to give a glimpse into activities elsewhere. I had already written the main story and felt that you'd want to see a little of the bad or other guys' tale. Besides, it builds suspense. Who are those guys? What are they up to?

I know that professional writers -- like David Weber or Tom Clancy -- write several thousand words when they want to fill in the 'others' tales. Not me. I have a hard enough time telling one story, let alone 3 or 4 at the same time.



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