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Harry Carton: Blog


Electricity -- the final answer

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Got a lot of answers about electricity, mostly quite good. I've come up with a solution:

"The old mage wearing gray drove his staff into the ground and shouted 'You shall not pass.'"

The only problem would be to get the balrog onto the other side of the abyss.

As one grammar Nazi to another...

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Dear Bronte Follower:

I read with some amusement and agreement your diatribes on pronoun usage. I have a minor nit to pick -- what do all y'all do with "y'all" and "youse?"

On a more serious note: I personally hate 'verbing' and 'deverbing.'

Point: "the ladies wanted to bath together." Bath is a noun; the verb the author wanted was bathe, which is a verb.

Point: "he was underwater so long that he had to breath." Again, breath is a noun; the correct word is breathe, another verb.

My last Point: "I want to Christmas shop on Friday." or these days: "We're asking our children to mask wear." I've also heard: "Horse #2 photofinished #4." Are we that lazy that we can't say: 'I want to do Christmas shopping on Friday?'

Don't get me started on "he paid particular attention to her cuntal area."

Recent sexual content

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I expected to lose some readers with the publication of Chapter 38. Sorry to see you go. I miss each and every reedur who leaves. ...

To me, any story tag indicates a serious amount of that kind of subject matter in the story. Hence, I DID indicate a FemDom subject. It indicates LEXI'S domination of the other characters throughout the story, not merely Mistress Angel's. I did NOT include the BDSM tag, because the Bondage Discipline Sadism and Masochism [that's one definition of BDSM, anyway] appears in only a part of 1 chapter in 38. ... I don't promise not to do it again, but it's only a small part of the story. ...

The story deals with adults. If, Lexi manages to drag Rock or Bear or (gasp!) both into a sexual relationship, I'm not going to change tags. Because it's not what the story is about.

Similarly, the Violent tag is there because there is going to be some violent issues in the story, and they ARE going to be significant.

A new content tag

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I have added a new content tag to the list for 'Lexi Redux.' It is 'FemDom.' It relates to part of the story that will come up in future chapters. Despite the new tag, 'Lexi Redux' is still a NO SEX story. Not every act of dominance involves sex, despite what the content of this site may imply.

Twitter is not totally useless.

Posted at

I read a quote from Ray Bradbury today.

"Remember: Plot is only the footprints left in the snow while your characters were on their way to incredible destinations."

I'd like to remember that Plot is what Ray Bradbury's left behind on their way to incredible destinations. We poorer authors are left looking through the mushy snay (past tense of snow) for a hint.



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