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Harry Carton: Blog


Why should I do all the thinking?

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... I need the name for a foundation that benefits Native People in North America. But it's gotta have a catchy Acronym. So send me your suggestions.... Oh, yeah. It's gotta be something that isn't already in use. So far, the best I've come up with is NANCY; the North American Native Capitalization for Youth.

WHEW! That's a load off my mind. See, I get sidetracked into meaningless side issues. The fact that THIS is on my mind should tell you something.

Guilty ... but with a (sorta) good excuse

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I started off today with good intentions. I'd take care of my medical issues, then finish off a chapter or two of 'Lexi Redux.' But first I'd check on SOL, 'cause I published a new chapter this a.m. And you can never tell. Well the path I chose took a side trip.

I read a review by pj. Then one thing led to another.

I found myself reading 'Deputy Porter' by carniegirl. About half way thru Chapter 1, I was hooked. It's sorta a Sam Spade female version, but with the occaisional sex interlude that Dashiell Hammett couldn't put in his novels.

It's really good.

It was posted in 2012, and I'm sure I've read it before, but just forgot all about it. So I started binge reading about Deputy Porter. I didn't get finished. I mean, it's only about 500,000 words and 256 chapters. There's a sequel.

So I didn't get around to that chapter of Lexi's adventures. I WILL get to it tomorrow, so my editor can relax. He's gently nudging me to get more stuff written. I really have some discipline, honest I do.

To the readers of Lexi Redux

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To Red:

Please contact me with updates. I want to find out what happens next!

Lexi Redux Cast of Characters

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Tonight (14 November) I'm posting a re-re-revised Cast of characters for Lexi Redux. It covers the people thruough Part 2 Chapter 17 and contains some (minor) spoilers, for those who want to peek.

A personal, historical note: In Re: Lexi Redux

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I recently described the killing of a duck for dinner. The duck was killed by swinging it by the neck until it snapped.

My great grandmother used to kill chickens this way. One swing around her head and the chicken was killed. [This was 70-120 years ago, btw. So don't sic PETA on me, please.]

Having seen this her whole adolescence, her daughter, my grandmother, tried this method. She grabbeed a chicken by the neck and began swinging it 'round and 'round her head. The chicken squwaked and squwaked. Finally, my great gm came to the chicken's rescue and put it out of it's misery. Dinner, I was told, was great that day.

This was a story causing great jocularity, at my grandma's expense, for years. Grandma has passed on, now, and I still find the image funny.



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