Harry Carton: Blog


A further discussion of Lubrican's blog post on race

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Lubrican has raised an issue of racial -- I don't know how to categorize it. "Point of view" perhaps? Anyway, read his blog post to see it. It's worth reading. It's here: http://storiesonline.net/blogentry/34601

Here are my thoughts:

I agree with you that most of the adult stories seem to have white protagonists. Undoubtedly most of them seem to be written for white audiences by white authors. But "seem" is perhaps the crucial word.

BUT ...

There are a lot of stories that don't mention the color of the participants, let alone their race. We'll rule out the ones that describe the female as having a pale complexion or auburn hair with lots of freckles. But there are plenty that just describe her in non-racially identifiable ways: big boobs, cute butt, long sexy legs. Men too. I've heard it said that even some black men DON'T have huge penises.

We just assume that the mechanic named Fred who is balling his wife named Melissa, are both white. Does he have to be named Jerome and her name has to be Shaniqua for them to be black? Does the man have to be called Eagle Spirit for him to be Native American, or a woman Kim Woo to be Asian? Would a reader assume that a scene between Barack and Michelle was interracial?

Perhaps we're looking at the stories from the point of view of a white reader, who would automatically envision the protagonists to be people like him (or her) and the antagonists be someone "other."

Time zones

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I'll be glad when all the actors are back in the same time zone. Who's writing this thing anyway? Keeping track of 'if it's noon in Shanghai, what time is it in Washington DC' is a pain.

Maybe Io can keep that kind of thing straight easily, but MY old memory is getting more and more random as time goes by. I think I have CRS (that's Can't Remember Sh... uh... Stuff).

I confuse easily

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If you're gonna read my stories, and go to the trouble of voting -- and if you're gonna give me a '1', could you at least have the decency to send me a short note and tell me what you didn't like? How do you think I'll ever get better if you don't?

OTOH, the '1' voter probably won't read my blog either... so meh!

Next... a little story

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Now that we've finished with the heart warming story of '95', next is an alternate ending of Agena's story, 'A Joke.' If you haven't read it, you can find it on SOL or LitErotica; also you'll find many many possible endings.

Mine is very abrupt and nasty. And short.


Posted at

Today begins the story of Chris Harcourt, a 95... or is he?

It is about 10 chapters long and I plan on publishing 2 per week: Saturdays and Wednesdays.

Hope you like it.



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