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ElSol: Blog


The Fun Of Being Sick...

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So it seems that when you say -- "I had a fever for four days with no other symptoms" -- the doctors HATE it.

They ask you a bajillion questions because they don't believe you just had a fever...

I'm going to paraphrase:

Were you balls aching?
Was your penis discharging?
Aches and pains?

I had a fever for four days before any other symptoms appeared and then the fever continue for 10 days.

The doctors took so much blood I thought they might have a contract with a vampire den or something.

Right now, I'm back on a general antibiotics and with instructions to keep the fever down with ibuprofen while they send the blood tests out.

I'm serious -- daycare will be how a zombie apocalypse starts... I might even write a story about it (but all the babies are immune.)

It still continues...

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The count so far.

1. Baby spent a week in hospital for RSV.
2. I got a stomach virus.
3. I got the worst cold of my life.
4. My wife got flu and pneumonia...which put me on strong antibiotics and flu medication so I would note catch it.
5. I had a fever for a week... Just a fever.
6. fever gone but a I'm getting migraines, a bad cough, and an elevated heart rate. I am hoping 5 and 6 are symptoms of an I infection... Preferably a tooth infection so I am going to dentist tomorrow and then back to urgent care facility.

Pretty much worst 3 months of my life and that includes when I had pneumonia.

If it doesn't stop soon, I am pretty sure I am going to end up hospitalized for something.

I need like a month of not being sick but unfortunately that isn't going to happen until we get to warmer weather so the zombie apocalypse breeding ground known as my daughter's daycare center stops spewing out this crap.

Thankfully after the RSV, the worst my daughter has had to deal with is a stuffy nose.

I have been writing some though, so if this ever ends I will be a,e to get back on the horse pretty quickly.

It does not end...

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I guess that's the life of a parent.

The baby is in daycare...which they should rename into 'plague breeding grounds'.

In the span of two weeks...I have gotten a stomach virus and the WORST cold of my life. My wife got the flu and pneumonia.

Luckily, the baby only got a stuffy nose for 7 days so she got away with a very mild cold.

I cannot wait for spring!

If things weren't bad enough, it appears that our medication makes everything taste salty... Funny thing trying to eat white rice that tastes so salty hypos have to wash it down with a gallon of water.

I have also been medically kept out of the office for a week.

I think maybe the wife and I should wait for baby number 2.

Was asked to update blog

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Last update was jan 19th on a story...

My In-laws came to stay to help out with my daughter after she got out of hospital... They ain't kidding with the 'it takes a village thing'.

It is taking a long time to get settled into a routine again.

I am back to writing but the pace threw me off the last story 'All The Things' so I have started the second of my Swarm stories 'Bitches' to hopefully kick start the last two chapters of 'All These Things'.

'all These things' only has two more chapters... The big one of which is half-written, it is just tough to get back to.

They also reorganized at my job.

The Swarm stories are actually fairly easy to write since they are fully outlined and have to follow someone else's story... Not a lot of thinking on my part.

After these two p, things will be interesting... Another Institute story which ip has four chapters completed is doing a lot of knocking in my head... With editors on my side, some stories that I put down are looking for attention,

Unfortunately, I have more ideas than time....right now, in my head these stories are clamoring....

Bitches -- The Second Swarm Story
Winter Song -- my final Institute story
The Once And Future God-King -- The Sequel to my Zombies story...
Teenagers -- A reconcept of Zombies using the characters from 'All these thins' and a Chaotic-Neutral impulse driven protagonist....

The wizard series' are in there too...

We will see how things shake out after I can get time in front of the laptop more consistently.

Life is better.

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Daughter is back home after a five day stay at the hospital.

The next 2 1/2 weeks will be fairly unproductive. Her grandparents are coming to stay with us so that we can keep her out of daycare.

In-laws in the house!






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