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ElSol: Blog


Life and life...

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Well... ended 2013 with an antibiotics-resistant staph infection.

The infection felt like my face was trying to have a baby. The antibiotics fucked me up nicely too since they hit me with the 'good' stuff. Antibiotics generally mess me up -- the nicest symptom of antibiotic use for me is that spice is AMPLIFIED. It would appear that for the 'good' antibiotics... Let's just say that salt was too spicy for me to eat so I subsisted for 10 days on white rice... Thank god for sushi without wasabi or soy sauce.

Then of course, there was the two weeks at the in-laws... 'Nuff said.


I had started a new story after getting stuck on the end of the second Wellspring story (it still feels off). The new story was going to be about a sexually omnivorous teenage mind-controller. I had originally conceived of it as a mind-reader version of Raylan from 'Justified' with a history in high school. Then I thought doing the real story was in the 'backstory'. Unfortunately, it was a very flowing mind-set for the story that I lost when I got the staph infection and could barely move for a few days.

I think that story is pretty much scratched at this point.

One of the options on the table right now is to take my teen protagonist, harem anime phase and actually fully write something in the Freezing, Infinite Stratos, High School DxD, and High School of the Dead model but write it with hentai levels if graphic sex. Basically to end the phase by wallowing in it.

The problem is that the basic outline is 39 chapters and I do not know if I want to commit to that type of story with four series having half or nearly completed stories.

I will sit down for a deeper outline for my 'Demons' story and see if it works out.


I do have some other commitments so we will see. It will probably be a couple of weeks before I start writing again and some months before I post anything.

Quite possibly a lot longer due to a major life change I would like to execute... It could completely eat up my free time for a while but at this stage I think my family needs me to make the change for our financial security.

Your Guardian Angel completed and posted.

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I'm holding an envelope to my forehead that has the question I expected to be asked over and over about this story...

The answer is:

I don't know. Maybe. There is something about how this story ends that is almost poetic.


"Your Guardian Angel" Posted

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The first of two blocks for the story is posted.

The story is complete with the second block in the first editor's (Diederik Rask) hands.

I was hoping for a Sunday then next Sunday posting schedule but did not account for Thanksgiving. I don't have as much free time during the week so we'll see when the editors get back to me. I will be posting the second block as a block rather than chapters.

I pretty much needed a break from my other story so this was 'popped' out with no fuss... the wishes basically cover all my writing sins for 'free sex and etc.'.

Of course... there's always a question of how lucky can one teenage boy be.

No spoilers other than --> the ending follows the ending of other Genie stories on SOL.


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Not much to say.

Getting more writing done... Unfortunately, the second story in the Wellspring Duology took a left turn at 'more world than plot'. Basically, in the first story I only gave details as how the world was different where it pertained to the story. The world structure got so big in my head though that it all did not fit into the second story so it became something of an exposition-fest. I had one more chapter and a short epilogue to go when I realized I had to go back and chop a lot of 'explanation' that was more about the world than the story. If I had my druthers, I would do the energy wizard plot in the wellspring story and vice versa. The energy wizard has three stories so it had more room for a bigger world.

Anyway before I took a chainsaw to my story, I needed a break so I did a quickie story.

It needs a spellcheck and grammar check before going off to the editors so I should have a new story soon.

Title: Your Guardian Angel
Song Basis: Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Type of story: Teen, First, Anal, mf, mF, supernatural
Planned description: "I wish to be lucky. I wish to be healthy. I wish for the Genie Allysandre to be born human again..."

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff...

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As those of you that read my blog know, it has not been an easy year.

New home purchase, first baby, superstorms, disease, cancer scare, etc. It is interesting that when the emergencies are flowing, you can keep moving forward but when things settle, the cracks start to show.

I need to make some changes: Most of them are little things, like getting off my fat ass to exercise. Staying off forums. Giving up the porn sites (the end of an era). Being more 'manly' about my home (I am just soooo unhandy.) Spending more fun time with my daughter who is already growing up too fast. Making sure my wife does not kill anyone from her Facebook groups.

I do hope to make some big changes next year, but not something I can discuss here.

At this point, I do not know how it will affect my writing. I have reduced my commitment to the Swarm Cycle to two stories, since the others did not work. I will most likely not write the third Magic series I hoped to get too. Like I said, I do not really know at this time because writing keeps me sane and if I am going to stay off forums and get more exercise, I will need writing a little more to keep sane.

I am moving along with the Second Wellspring Story... But work sucks this week. Major projects coming up as due which require a lot of attention.

Thanks for listening... And like I said, hopefully this adds to my writing productivity in the long haul. It will probably delay my writing in the short term as I detox from all my waste of time commitments -- like Korean dramas. Or at least, uncompleted Korean dramas... I mean they only run from 12 -- 24 episodes so one or two marathons a year are no harm. They are research! Yeah, research!



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