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ElSol: Blog


Life and other stuff...

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I have been asked a number of times now how things are going.

As with most Americans I think -- my day to day life has too many money worries... Thankfully right now, it is the good kind of how do we pay for the things we want rather than the bad kind of how do we pay for things we need.

My daughter is rapidly approaching her first birthday and we have managed to get into a routine that gives me back some writing time... Although right now, I am spending it on watching Korean dramas and Japanese anime.

My wife wants to make a go a baby number two soon so that will again come in to eat time.

Presently, I have started too many new stories and had to throw them away.., about 4. I wanted to get back I the swing of things, but the stories did not say anything that another story did not. I am back to my unfinished storis or series.

I have finished 5 of 9 chapters for the second Wellspring stories... It required a lot of editing because I got carried away with the number of females. Most of the chapters left are fairly straightforward so it is a matter of sitting down and pumping them out. The story is still titled '3 AM' for the KLF song.

After that, I will finish my second SWARM story... I really wanted to write more stories in the series, maybe even do a quartet of stories but only Jason and Simon had what felt like 'original' stories. In the swarm universe, I prefer prepack stories and the other stories I started writing were really just sex stories. The second story did see a title change... From 'Bitches' to 'The Preacher' after the tone changed when I started writing it. The story was inspired by the knife fight scene in 'The Man From Nowhere' (Korean movie). It thought it was going to be all action and fucking, but the protagonist had a different plan.

After that I will take a look... Possibly another energy wizard story or a new 'magic' story or to complete one of the many unfinished stories that I have not posted anywhere.

No... Not AMR yet. AMR will be the end for me here as it was the beginning of my writing.


Things looking up in life...

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Some people have asked so...

The munchkin is significantly better. It would appear that with a child you stop doing A (not sleeping because she has to be fed every couple of hours) only to do B (spend every waking watching her like a hawk because anything within her grasp goes into her mouth) to doing C (I have no idea what is next but since it will involve her walking I am sure I need to get into shape).

My wife got through her operation well and the tests came back good so it is now just waiting a year to test again and then another year for the rest of her life.

I have completed my first Swarm story 'All These Things That I've Done' and the epilogue is with the volunteer editor so that should be posted soon.

I am halfway completed with my second Swarm story 'Lead Me Home' but that one is a little more sex with action... No internal conflict with the universe itself, just a little statement that maybe the social norm does not equally satisfy everyone ;)

Since I am also about halfway through the second Wellspring story, I will most likely finish that series off... It requires a bit of a rewrite since I was adding to many females for a story that size.

After that we'll see... Either the third Swarm if I feel that there is something to say in that universe or the second Energy Wizard story or maybe starting a third magic series or maybe even writing a sequel to my zombie story.

OR maybe trying for baby #2 and just killing all my free time.

Oh well... Like I said, things have gotten well enough for me to do some writing.

No rest for the naughty.

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Wife had a pre-cancerous cell and not the 'light' variety.


Now waiting for the end of 1 month results... and then six months.

Hopefully, this will be end of my family's medical drama.

We have given birth to a shark though... 7 months 8 teeth so the joys of teething are upon us.

Still not writing... but doing a lot of thinking about writing.

How things progress...

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Healthier... still in the period after the mono diagnosis where the doctors want me to take it easy. I've been healthy for three weeks straight -- this week I have something of a cold but the whole family does so no big deal.

With the amount of time I've had to take off due to the baby & the sicknesses, I have to be extra careful at work... I have a good job so that is a major priority right now. Have to make my boss people forget the hassle of the last few months; everybody says they don't mind, but it's a business.

We're trying to get some major work done on the house to take advantage of a few good programs for 'green performance'. Replacing furnace, AC, water heater, insulation, resealing the house, and some ductwork for what amounts to $0 -- $2K out of pocket due to a big time 0% interest loan from the gas company. It's too good a deal to pass up since the bills are killing us so even with paying the loan back, we save money on utilities.

On the writing front...

Writing for me is a habit -- presently due to the things that happened I'm out of the habit. It doesn't help that I'm a bad 'finisher' and my swarm story is right there with two chapters to go. (Psychologically, i have to fight to finish a story because... it's a control thing, I guess.)

I need a couple of days of detoxing from everything going on to kickstart myself again... we'll see what happens.

My inlaws are visiting and staying for some time in june so at the worst, that'll be a good time to do some major writing. I hope to start before that but I've learned to let it go... maybe when the baby starts sleeping 12 hours a night, I'll be able to give time to my writing again.

And the medical verdict is *drumroll*

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So the 'worst' cold of my life that I have four weeks ago was probably Mono and the crap since then was DEFINITELY mono. Of course, now it's the fun of since I didn't know I had it for four weeks, possibly six weeks, did I give it to my baby and wife.

Thankfully now that they figured it out -- they are attacking the symptoms which is the only thing they can do with mono until it goes latent.

At least, I was only getting hit by one symptom at a time except for internally as the doctor says my liver numbers weren't optimal.

Well -- there's a reasonable answer that fits all the pieces even if it sucked the life out of me for a few weeks.



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