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ElSol: Blog


Still alive... thank you to everyone.

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Still alive.

Not writing... a lot of new stories in my head and even write some chapters down but life interrupts. I do not know where I left things here... I moved for my job, went through the fun of fertility issues, and basically all the excitement that comes with a child in the early years.

Things have begun to settle some, but at present my free time is spent reading translated wuxia novels.

I will see how things go in the future.

Thanks to everyone who asked.

I do not 'sell' my stories -- do not buy them.

Posted at Updated:

I know of a couple of instances where my story has been downloaded and put on sale, especially master's ring.

It is not me selling them -- and I do not believe it is even someone who took my story and completed it.

SOL is the official repository of my stories (I have posted in literotica).

Please do not buy the stories as I do not sell them and I have no plans to EVER 'sell' my sex-laden stories.

Thank you,

Still busy with life...

Posted at

Job is putting me a position where I get to learn and play with all new technologies -- 200K a year as a consultant type of technologies, which I'm being allowed to deploy, play with as part of my job.

More traveling due to buying other companies and the natural bleeding of talent when people in good job markets get feeling of job insecurity.

Wife and I are in the beginning stages of trying for baby #2.

Toddler child... if you have one, you know what I mean.

I get a lot of story ideas but not a lot of wanting to sit down and write. I think I just need some short and simple to kickstart me again.

We'll see how things go.

Alive... busy with life.

Posted at Updated:

I have a hyper two-year old who thinks someone needs to do everything with them... and trying to get the 'house' in order to take a shot at baby #2.

Basically, not writing right now.

On a related note -- Streets of Fire OR Phantom Of The Opera?

If you've read how I title some stories and name those stories' chapters... you know that I'm actually asking a musical question.

Broken record...

Posted at

Work sucks... I'm actually on a two nights in a row of massive failures during overnight maintenances. I can see the light and it has a lot more to do with joining an evil empire where they pay me for this BS.

Medium house reno (removing a wall) finished and nobody died.

The In-Laws visited and it was actually tolerable. No wife freakouts, no MIL freakouts... just one spat between the wife and I due to my attempt to preserve the kid's sleeping schedule.

I haven't had a lot of time to write but I'm praying that will change soon.

I've kicked off a zombie + magic story ... i keep starting stories and dropping them so we'll see how this goes.

Some feedback has me looking at a second swarm story, but I'm sure I'll remember soon why I decided not to move forward with that.

When I start to get some real time to write, I'll see how things go.



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