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Excellent story, well written and thoroughly researched. Either this guy has been in the military, or knows someone that is, the lingo sounds right. Anyway, enjoy!
Edit: I should add, the author is Jack Green and its a part of a series.
Jesus. That was fucking epic. Better than any porn video or story I could stroke myself to. The people have spoken, it's time for a change.
One dear reader pointed out that writing stories makes us liars. I disagree — we're not liars, we're storytellers. While we spin worlds from imagination, our aim isn't to deceive, but to connect with a deeper truth about ourselves and the human experience. The power of a story lies not always in its literal truth, but in its ability to resonate with the emotions and experiences we all share — unlike the fabrications of politicians, which aim to obscure truth for their own gain. It's a stark contrast to the days of yore, when Romans considered service an honor—and not service to the people, but to Rome itself! It seems these Tory politicians have forgotten that key distinction. They've forgotten they serve England, not themselves.
Today is our Independence day!!
Ours to in England. Bye Bye Tories, I'd say it was fun, but I don't like lying.
God damn, I would pound the absolute snot out of her, given even half a chance. Her tits are Ravissant! Tell you what, given half the chance, I'd nail her chubby little ass all day long, don't why she was getting hate, she is quite splendid. The sad thing is, Netflix did everything in their power to make her look piggy, shame really.
I'm looking for someone, yeah, yeah I know. But, is there a legit way to find someone on onlyfans? I've tried to onlyfans finder and its crap. I want to look by city/town.
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