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I couldn't think of a decent enough title oO, so that had to do. Edited by my editors, run through Claude. Everything else is mine. Originally written because I've got a Raphtalia fetish, I think its the tail and titties...oO Two readers pointed out a couple of mistakes, including me leaving in the prompt, feel free to borrow it if you'd like and of course issues around the story. Both are fixed, so thank you to your diligence.
"Tupping" is a rather crass and dated slang term for sexual intercourse, often used in the context of a man having sex with a woman. It comes from the word "tup" which originally referred to a ram mating with a ewe (a male sheep mating with a female sheep).
Over time, "tup" and "tupping" began to be used as crude slang for a man having sexual intercourse, likening the act to the mating of sheep. It carries connotations of a man roughly or forcefully having sex with a woman, so it's generally considered quite vulgar and demeaning in modern usage.
I was going through the list of authors, looking for a particular one when I came across Pan Fried Mushrooms. I’ve seen some odd usernames in my time, but this one made me giggle, for some unknown reason. They seem to have decent scores and a few stories to their name, worth checking out! For reference, I was looking up an author called Pan, who wrote a story ‘I love sucking cock.’ It’s a good story, has some editing issues that could easily be resolved and of course with a title like that it’s a stroke story. But I’m enjoying it.
The genie flicked its fingers, the simple gesture belying the immense power behind it. James drew in a breath that seemed to encompass the entire universe. For a brief, eternal moment, all of existence inhaled with him, poised on the brink of unimaginable change.
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