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Balls to the wall is posted, just waiting for it to be accepted, sorry for taking so long. RL shot me in the leg and then dragged me along for a bit. Enjoy.
Is being edited by NN, will be posted soon.
Doctor who has gone down the shitter, its so bad Jodie has bailed. Well I guess man bashing and white man bashing didn't work out. Go woke go broke.
It also seems that Kennedy hasn't learned a fucking thing either, the High Republic (snickers).
And Jesus Christ, I guess we're starting the new year off well... Well Trump will be out soon, only ten more days, don't let the door hit on you on the way out sweetheart.
I am working very hard on the next chapter and I apologize for the delay in posting, Steven is kicking my ass hard for this. I recently had the vaccination Part Une and have Part Deux in a few weeks, so between that, New Year and feeling complete shit I've let slip. It will be a good chapter I promise.
After this there's two more chapters too do and that's it, my first ever finished book! I'm so proud!!
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