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"The jungle Creed, say the strongest feed on any prey they can.
And I was branded beast, at every feast, before I ever became a man."
I'm working on a Stargate Predator crossover. James touched an alien device, worked for the SGC and ended up in a timeloop ala Groundhog day. When the loop broke, he was dying to do something different. Well as the old saying goes, may you live in interesting times.
So the sale of the flat fell through, she pulled I lost the house I was buying and I was gutted. Ah well, shit happens. We move on.
I sliced my finger open on a knife last night, trying to type wihile pissing blood lol.
Chapter 14 was a long hard slog, but its done, might be our biggest chapter yet, 16 pages oO I'll post as soon as NN has finished bitching at me about my grammar trololol
"The jungle Creed, say the strongest feed, on any prey they can.
And I was branded beast, at every feast, before I ever became a man."
I'm planning something, something big. Be prepared... Tempus 14 is in the works and not forgotton, I plan on finishing this story this month and starting book two very soon.
All I will leave you on is...
"Get to the Choppaaaaaaa."
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