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I'm still stunned at the turn of events, I'm taking a break for a while from Wishes to get my head back in the game. But I've got to say, you guys & girls are fucking awesome. Everyone who points out errors is simply making the story better. When I've got time, which will be very soon, I will be going back and fixing everything that has been pointed out and sorting out inconsistancies.
Stargate Ashrak is coming along nicely, chapter one is complete, just waiting on my military advisor and we will work on chapter two. I won't post Ashrak until its completed, but I think you will like this.
It's a Mary Sue wtf who cares story, like here be Dragons. James is at the SGC and goes on a mission, blah, blah meets a Predator, big fight. Usual fan service story. But I'll tell you this, the amount of detail in the first part is mindblowing even to me.
I'm really pleased with all the lovely comments for my first completed book.
Don't forget to thank my editors Steven and NNPDAD as well, show them some love!
Book two will be The Wishes: Carpe Diem.
Well that's it, book one is complete. I have a rough outline for book two with Steven already started and I won't start writing until next month. This gives me a bit of a breather and time for my brain to reboot. This has been one hell of a ride. Even if I don't do book two, I'm pleased with book one as is!
Thank you to Steven for all of his wonderful insight into the world of American teenagers and dating, something I missed out on sadly. Thank you to NNPDAD for fixing any glaring mistakes that I'm to tired or too stupid to notice!
Check out NN's work, he authors on here under the same name and show him so much needed love. He's been editing for me for over ten years now oO
Time flies huh.
The trials and tribulations of my flat sale are still on going, I will let you all know if and when I sell!
Fingers crossed.
As always, you all know what I want, peace, love, sex and someone who can fucking write sword fights for my pirate story!
Peace out y'all...
EDIT: I also forgot to mention a shout out to all the people who pointed out errors within the story, I apologize if I forget, but a big shout out to Conradca, who picks up on shit the three of us miss out on oO
Just wanted to give everyone an update on Chapter 15, and apologize for the delay in its release. I've been very knackered of late and have been going through a small amount of drama with the sale of my flat. The highs and lows of property management, as you all know can fuck with the brain.
I'm back on track with chapter 15 and have just finished a massive chunk and sent it to Steven. I've changed my mind yet again and have decided to conclude Tempus Fugit with this chapter. I feel it leaves it in a really nice place and sets up book two. I've got time off coming up in March and will start work on book 2 then, I want to get a few chapters in bank, before I start posting the story in earnest. This way, I don't get burned out like I have with Tempus.
To be honest, I never thought I'd even get this far!
I don't know if any of you are interested, but I still have the old files of the original do over I had done with Proxy over a decade ago. It was called James' Mulligan and is nowhere near as good as this shit. It was good, but I never finished it. Back then, Proxy got burned out and had to deal with real life issues and I never heard from him again.
Wherever he is, I wish him well…
If you are interested, I'd like to post the chapters that I did. I did up to six chapters, which were all based in and around the hospital and that was it. I will post them and then keep it as 'concluded.'
But I won't do that until I've finished Tempus Fugit.
Book 2 of the series will be, The Wishes: Carpe Diem. James' motto of that book will be, while you lot are researching what Carpe Diem means, I'm Carping all them Diems. Am I right?
Lastly I'm still on a hunt for someone who can help me write a Midshipman story and a Pirate story, might be interconnected, haven't decided. I need someone with knowledge of the era and knows how to write a good cutlass scene. I can write all the other stuff, but fighting and sword fights are out of my purview.
I also have a short story in the works, with a talented writer who was also in the US forces. He's helping me write a Stargate Predator cross over with James as a Mary Sue, I mean fuck it why not. It's called Stargate SG-1: Ashrak. Ashrak in Goa'uld means, hunter.
Before any one points me to him, I have read Argons stuff and have contacted him in the past, but he is unable to help me. English is not his first language and the dude is super busy writing his own stuff regardless…
Peace out!
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