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Dark Apostle: Blog


Machiavellian political move

Posted at

It's not about changing the rules of the game, its about knowing what game is being played and how to play it, this is a true Machiavellian political move. Welcome to the English opening...


Posted at

Some crazy shit going down on Reddit, google the sub and have a look... Funny how I only find out about these threads when it goes massivly public.

Batwoman season 2 dear god someone get me some Bleach

Posted at

Yeah, I was bored, made the mistake of watching it. I was expecting at least a half decent episode. They could've tried, I do wish CW would stop making superhero shows now.

Now I need to Bleach my eyes...

Mindblowing plus a few shout outs...

Posted at

Holy shit... Tempus Fugit just passed the 60 thousand download mark, that's mind blowing. We're going to extent Tempus a bit, because it makes sense. Finish High School in one part and then do College in another. I was going to tease you all and leave it on a cliff hanger, but Steven didn't find that funny lol.

So here we are, ten years in the making, with a score of 7.85 and a download count of over 60 thousand and in the library of nearly 500 people.

I'm awestruck at how this has been received. Without Steven or NNPDAD, my work would never have been realised.

If any of you need help, I can ask Steven, if any of you want to check out NNPDAD's work, he's on the site, show him some love.

For my shout outs, check out Greywolf & Ronin, both excellent writers and also doing, do overs :)

Chapter 14

Posted at

14 has been submitted, edited by Steven and NN once more. Chapter 14, Glitch in the Matrix. I actually think this might be our longest chapter yet, I try to keep them around the 10 page mark, so as to not bore readers to much, but it carried on a bit more than normal lol.

I hope you enjoy.



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