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This is a clarification on my rant from last night, I got suckered into a fight about race on reddit, about one woman in particular.
Brie Larson…
I hate that woman.
Before you start yelling at me, I don't hate her becauseshe's a woman. I hate her attitude towards men. She is a rich, white, privileged woman, lecturing men how to behave. She has no life skills and no life experience. She has literally, been given everything on a silver platter, her whole life.
She earns millions.
I'm white, male and 40 ish… Shhh I won't tell you my age cause then I feel old as shit, check out the gray hairs. I work a minimum wage job, scrubbing dishes just to get by and live, while the rest of the country goes to shit. In our country, children are literally starving to death, the elderly who I mainly help look after, are dying in great swaths, while the rich elite, tell us how to live our lives and spend our money.
I'm sick of people like Brie Larson, self-opinionated trolls with delusions of grandeur who insult genders and races, because she's rich and can get away with it.
My mother taught me respect, respect everyone, regardless of race, religion and sexuality. Treat everyone with respect, regardless of how they identify. I live by those standards. I hate when white people start ragging on foreigners, when its white people that are the route cause for many of the issues in England. Without foreigners, we would not have many of the workers we do today and the elderly and young would not be looked after.
But in particular I hate Hollywood. I'm not particularly in love with Reddit at the moment either. Reddit has drunk the cool aid, they drool at everything Brie Larson says, because she is the bestist evar. No she is not, she is a privileged white woman, sitting in her ivory tower, lecturing men.
Will it ever end? No, will the Hollywood elite, part with their 'hard earned' (ha) money and help some people in their country? No… Ellen, who does the whole, be kind bullshit. Another Karen, who tells people to live and behave, just bought a $27 million dollar mansion. How about giving 17 million dollars of that money to charity over Christmas, to help some of the starving kids in your own country?
You'd still have ten million left…
No of course not, then they can't be privileged and lecture us about how to live and spend our meagre earnings.
I'm white, I know my place now. I've drunk the cool aid and I apologize for who I am.
I don't know what else to say without upsetting people... I'm tired of this world and it's issues, I just wish everyone would get along and be nice to each other, wouldn't this be a much nicer place?
I decided to have 15 chapters to cover James's sophomore year. The next book will finish his High School and take him to the beginning of College.
Chapter ten is being torn apart by my lovely Steven and will soon be with NN and at peace ar... Have patience, we're at the end and it deserves to be worked on properly.
I have noticed a ton of Do Over's lately, all siting the same books I read. Interesting!
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