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The Wishes: Tempus Fugit is now at 7.44, I'm really, really pleased with the score and I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read it. All the comments have been wonderful and greatly motivated me to finish it. This will be the FIRST completed work I have ever done.
I'm very proud of this story. Thank you goes out to Steven my editor and NNPDAD my grammatical editor, who is constantly bitching about my grammar.
Without these two wonderful people, who already have enough shit on their plates, this story would not be what it is!
Chapter five is almost done and will hopefully be posted very soon...
This shits blowing up, I'm mind blown at how many downloads there are on this. Although I am a wee bit dissapointed about the score, wish it could be higher. Perhaps people could let me in on why its dropped so I can fix it and get it back up. I'd love to get my score over the 8.00 now THAT would make me excited.
FYI, the names that I am quoting in this story are the Chapter Titles hahahaha. So for example, The Golden Ticket which is a reference to the Last Action hero, is chapter one.
The story itself is as follows...
'The Wishes: Tempus Fugit'
1 The Golden Ticket 8928
2 Choosing the Red Pill 6201
3 Locus of Control 3595
4 Veritas 2120
The numbers on the right are how many times its been downloaded. Remember when I said by Christmas I'll be at the ten thousand mark. Fuck that, by next week, I'll be at the ten thousand mark. I think I need a whisky...
I'd like to do a story and I'm looking for some help, anyone had first hand experience?
Holy shit balls…
The story has landed! I'm so excited with how this is progressing and well chuffed at the amount of views this is receiving, I know I keep saying it, repeatedly but it's mind blowing. I've dreamt of writing this story for nearly a decade now, but never in my wildist dreams had I dreamt something like this oO
It's book marked 119 times and rising…
The Golden Ticket has surpassed expectations, it is now at 7438 views and climbing daily. I predict by the end of the year to be over the ten thousand mark
Choosing the Red Pill 5095
Locus of Control 2354
Veritas 484
That's nearly five hundred views in three hours…
Chapter five has already started progress, I and my editors have already crafted out a page and am working on it as we speak.
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