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Darian Wolfe: Blog


Happy New Year!

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I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy and safe new year's eve.

I also want to thank everyone who made one of the worst years of my life more bearable and even brought some happiness into it. Thank you.

Merry Christmas!

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Here we are near the close of another year. A year packed with life and everything it brings both ugly and beautiful. This Holiday Season take a moment to reflect on lessons learned, loves gained and lost. Hold a loved one close, even if just in memory, and be thankful that you've lived. To each of you whether we've corresponded or not I wish you a Merry Christmas!

I Find It Interesting

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I was reading T.MaskedWriters' blog entries and one of the responses he shared with us. Just for kicks, I checked the downloads for "The Falling Oak" where I'm documenting my struggle with neurological and emotional disorders that have pretty well turned my world upside down. I've talked about suicide, anger, all sorts of things there.

Since Sept. 2018 there's been way over 10,000 downloads and it scores in the mid 8's. I have to assume that some people find value in people sharing deep heartfelt experiences.

Most artists whether writers, painters, comedians, use their art to process their deepest experiences about life even the most painful ones. We then share that art/pain with the world.

Why was Richard Pryor so powerful? It wasn't because he used the word nigger. In his later years, he came to despise the word and quit using it. It was because he had his finger on the pulse of the pain of a generation and had lived it himself. He could then turn that pain into a comedy and use that comedy as a teaching tool.

Yes, this is a story site and an adult story site at that. To a lot of the authors here including myself, it is also a therapy room. And being mean to us doesn't get you more stroke stories or any other type for that matter.

Happy Thanksgiving

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Hello Everyone,

I just want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. May you be able to find at least one good thing in the last year to have gratitude for. Spend a few moments today thinking about those things, that's what today is for. I'm going to list a few of the things I'm grateful for this year.

1. The birth of my grandson

2. The way my local community came together and helped pay for some of my medical tests

3. All of the kindness and the mutual support that's been given and received by the Oak community. You have been wonderful

4. Some decent sex (don't ever knock the power of nookie)

5. The fact that even though things got rough for me I had friends willing to prop me up, hold my hand, or kick me in the ass as needed.

What's yours? Today is a great day to tell somebody you love them especially if you normally don't do it often. Here's you're chance. Don't let it slip. Have a Great day! if you're into sports enjoy the game. I know I won't, lol.

OOPS- Chap 15 is not the end

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I hit a wrong button when I submitted chapter 15. I apologize. I resubmitted and corrected the status



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