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Darian Wolfe: Blog


A Small Update

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Hello Everyone,

I've had a question or two as to whether "The Falling Oak" is fiction or fact. Unfortunately for me, it's fact. Things are pretty much the way I share them there. My situation is declining. How far it will go and the exact reason why we don't know.

I try to keep things just as real there as I possibly can. Understand two things, first, these writing are personal and therefore colored by my emotions which are all over the place now. Two, I intend my wife and children to read this either after my death or the loss of my lucidity both of which could easily happen in a rather short time. So I do not share some things out of respect for them.

Due to the constraints of my illness, the writing of fiction is put on hold indefinitely. When I was on CBD I felt the juices stirring, as it is now I just can't. To my fans I'm sorry. The creative process is literally too hard and painful. I can't. I want to, but I can't. Trying to think in the wrong direction can cause seizures. No thank you.



The Falling Oak some adjustments

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I added the blog post about The Night of Hell as a prologue to The Falling Oak as it seems appropriate. Everything stems from that night so it might as well be included.


The Falling Oak Chap 2 - Suicide

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Hello Everyone,

I had some time and energy today so I added another chapter to The Fallen Oak where I discuss some of my thoughts and feelings about killing myself I've experienced in the last year. As I said in my last blog post, The Falling Oak is meant to be as honest and real a look as I can make it. It's meant to be a growing and healing place for all of us and there will be a LOT of uncomfortable material there over time.


There are no words

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I really have no words to describe my response to the outpouring from our community to the beginning of The Falling Oak. It gave me a lot of comfort and I hope that I was able to give some in my responses as well.

There is no set posting schedule for obvious reasons. It is my thought to be as real about things as I can and go places we're not allowed to talk about. Why? Because no one will talk to me about them. If I think about these things then the odds are you do too.

So as I'm sorting out this illness and the fact that the odds are I have about 2000 days of lucidity left if I'm really lucky rather than the 30 years I thought I'd have. Why not? Maybe, we can learn something together. Something you can put into your stories and pass down to your loved ones and help still those scary voices you hear at night.


New Non Fiction Series - The Falling Oak

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Hello Everyone,

I posted the beginning of a new nonfiction series.The Falling Oak Chapter One - Learning How to Die. My medical condition is degrading. I've had to accept that sometime in the not too distant future (at the rate it's going five years seems extremely optimistic) my mind will be gone. I would quite happy to be horse laughed at in ten years. Please!

I've decided to start a journal type series as some readers stated they wanted a little more serious fare. I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up or how good it will be near the end but I'll try.





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