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Darian Wolfe: Blog


General Update

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Hello Everyone,

I figured to give an update. The background research for the Young Immortal Universe is continuing. I am working on Arnulf's origin story and have had to change plot points based on what a man from Germany in that time period probably would or would not do. There are also other worldbuilding factors to consider, so it will be a while. You will more than likely see several other stories before you see this one.

I've seen that Arnulf is such a complex character that over the course of his story arc I'm going to have to treat him as several different characters. If you think about it, the Arnulf in "The Young Immortal" is a totally different person than the Arnulf who was married to Heima. The only things they share are continuity of memory and ownership of a knife.

In other news, I have a new grandchild on the way so I will be starting a new baby blanket which will cut into my writing time until it's completed. At least, this time around nobody including myself is dying so it should only take a few weeks.



New Story - Held By The Sun

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Hello Everyone,

I posted a very short story running 309 words that have been running around my brain for a few months. It will more than likely be a prologue to series. We'll wait and see on that. I hope you enjoy.


New Story - Payment Due

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Hello Everyone,

I just submitted a new short story named Payment Due. It is part III of the Better Than the JackPot series. It runs at 7,212 words.

This story was a bit harder to write for some reason. Amy was being rather difficult and several of the plot points weren't jelling correctly.

As always, honest criticism and praise are always welcome.



A Full Bowl Of Food

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My wife just finished making dinner. In front of me, I have a full bowl of goulash. What wonderful simple wealth it is to have a tasty meal.


Better Than the Jackpot is now a series

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Hello Everyone,

After some thought, I decided to move the Jackpot stories out of the Shenanigans Universe and move them into their own series. I'm thinking there will be at least one more story.

My muse seems to like Amy and Dan. I was talking with Dan's mom Tiffany (I do talk to my characters) and she has no intention of doing the horizontal tango with her son. So that's out. A couple of people had asked so I thought I would bring it up.

How many stories will there be? I don't know. I'm pretty certain there will be a minimum of one more.





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