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Darian Wolfe: Blog


Learning Together II - New Update

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Hello Everyone,

Just a quick progress report. I'm at 13,300 words with 26/30 scenes completed in the screenplay format. I'm thinking you'll enjoy Learning Together II as I did my best to incorporate the information you asked for while sticking to my original vision for the storyline. I believe we'll have a win/win.

As before I'm not adding any extra codes or giving anything away. You'll have to read it yourself.

Later today, I will be posting another chapter of The Oak.



Learning Together II - Update

Posted at

Hello Everyone,

Things have been interesting around here. In the sense of the old Chinese curse "May you have an interesting life." Friday before last, my ES dog decided it liked the tip of my left middle finger more than I did and relieved me of it.

Actually, she was getting ready to kill a much smaller dog and she got my finger in the process of my stopping her.

Then my eldest adult child still living at home decided to act out so I have material which will undoubtedly end up in a story down the line.

I have, however, made progress on "Learning Together II". I just finished scene 11 of 30 of the screenplay version and the word count is sitting at right about 8,100.

As before, there are twists and turns in the story that you won't see coming. I'm also staying with the single code spanking even though there is more than that there. Why? For the fun of it.



Another Update

Posted at

Hello everyone,

I have been able to get more accomplished on "Learning Together II" than I had thought. I have the first draft of scenes 1-5 which come to 3,705 words in screenplay format. I still have 25 more scenes to go before I do the rewrite into story form and give it its final polish.

In other news, I published chapter 40 of "The Falling Oak" which is my non-fiction journal today.



Learning Together II - Update

Posted at

Hello Everyone,

I've found 30 scenes so far that stick to the wall and make a well balanced consistent story. I may add more or maybe subtract one, but I have the core.

The writing process will be the same as used for "Learning Together". It is my hope that this will keep the writing style consistent. For those who didn't know. I wrote it as a screenplay and then converted it to a story format. It does slow me down but it helps me tighten dialogue and focus on the characters themselves. This way I only bring the setting forward when it is relevant.

So we're off. I'll post updates but mum's the word on the actual story.



Well, I Decided

Posted at

Hello Everyone,

I've decided that there will be a "Learning Together II". As before, I'm not tying myself to a definite publishing timeline due to my illness and the various things occurring in my life over the next few weeks.

Let's get to the juicy bit's. I will not add any more codes to the storyline. If you liked part one then you should like part two. I received a lot of feedback from part one that made me go hmmm. So some of it will be run through the mill and emerge as something unique and will go in a different direction than the original feedback. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it though.

I'm still at the initial throw it against the wall and see what sticks stage. So what's up with Carly? I will say the end scene with Carly in part one was not the original. It was a surprise for me as well. We'll see more of her storyline unfolding in part two.

I'll not say any more, because I want you to have the fun of discovering the story for yourself.

I'll say one more thing. Don't discount the greasy taters.





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