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Darian Wolfe: Blog


Learning Together II Update

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Hello Everyone,

Just a little update, some new twists decided that they had to be woven into the tapestry. The end dynamics require a shift of circumstance to work correctly. Not too much, more like a giant tweak. As it sits, I am currently at 26,997 words into the story version and am on scene 23/30. About 4,000 of those words have to go through the final edit.

I realized I've been working on this story for two months. Wow, I'm either really good or this is going to really suck. We'll find out.


The Falling Oak And Learning Together II Updates

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Hello Everyone,

I put an update to The Falling Oak in the queue so it should be up soon. I apologize for the delay in the update. Once you read it you will understand why.

Learning Together II is coming together nicely. I am at 16,154 words and have finished scene 12/30. The screenplay version came in at 17,194 so I might have to actually break this one into two chapters. I won't publish any of it until it's complete. LT II Is going to be more emotionally substantial of a work I believe. In order to keep my integrity as an artist, I find myself going places that I'm not comfortable with. Still, if you enjoyed number 1 you should like number 2.



Learning Together II - Another Update

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Hello Everyone,

I hope everybody enjoyed their Easter holiday. I have been working on LT II as much as possible. I am at 14,558 words of the story version and I am currently working on scene 12/30. So we still have a way to go.



Learning Together II - Update On The Story Version

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Hello Everyone,

Just a quick note, I'm about 5,200 words into the story version and am in scene 6/30. I'm moving a bit faster than I thought I would. I've had a bad bout of Aphasia for the last two days. Yesterday, it interfered with my ability to write.

When I write I am saying the words in my head. Since Aphasia is a brain speech center disorder saying words in your head can be impaired. Hence, no writing.

It's bizarre and a little crazy making. I realized at one point I had no means of real communication. Couldn't speak, couldn't write, and my speech software doesn't have that many preset choices. I just quietly panicked and took my mind off it by reading until I could speak a little better. So there we are.



Learning Together II - Update Screen Play Version Finished

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Hello Everyone,

I just completed the screenplay version of Learning Together II. It runs to 17,163 words. Once I convert it to story format it'll plump out a bit. I will say this one hits some stronger emotional raw notes than LT I so be prepared. I'm not giving any hints you'll have to look at LT I for them. Just think further and deeper and where could it go and then turn left and you might be right. lol

As before no extra codes.





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