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LT III - Update

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Hello Everyone,

I finally have most of the drama solved even though my medical condition is shifting. In which way, I'm not sure. The last two or three days I've been experiencing life like auditory hallucinations as I'm falling asleep and it feels like my brain isn't calibrating itself correctly for sleep. So sleep while relaxing is a little disjointed in the experience.

I am finally back to working on LT III. I am at 36,186 words of the screenplay which is up 6,480 from my last update. so I'm getting there.


That's Swell!

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Hello Everyone,

Life has decided it needs to be interesting in rather significant manners. My employer expects me to provide them with paperwork from my neurologist by the middle of this upcoming week or I am no longer employed.

I took the paperwork to my Neurologist's office last week and almost ended up in the E.R. because I had to walk half a block from parking to her building. It was about 100 degrees F. I don't sweat so I immediately started cooking.

The office swore as always they would get it fax and would call me when it was completed when I explained what I needed.
As always, no call and when I spoke to the representative of the company that handles are FMLA they said they didn't have it yet. SO... Shit.

Then there are family issues going on which I decline to discuss at the moment. They suck too. Don't worry, It's not my wife and I getting divorced or anything.

I don't feel right in spending the amount of time writing that I do when I have real world issues that need my attention more. So work on LT III is continuing at a glacial pace until I get these things taken care of. Just so you know we're up to 29,688 of first draft, and still a tad over half.

I won't post any of it until the last word is polished. I had a bad habit when I was younger of not finishing things. I have no wish to repeat such behaviour now.

Wish me luck and Full speed ahead!


Happy 4th of July!

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Happy 4th of July, Everyone!

I just dropped another chapter of The Oak. Learning Together III is coming along. It's at about 27,300 words at the halfway mark of the screen play version. LT II came in at around 31,000 words total. This one is taking more time in it's creation process. In The Oak I referenced it as a slow bake. I'm in an Aphasia spell and can't think of the proper word. I hope once it's done you'll enjoy it.

Learning Together III - Update II

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Hello Everyone,

Progress on Learning Together III is continuing. The first draft which is in screenplay format is currently at 22,542 words and about the halfway mark. I'm breaking it into chapters for ease of reading and I am currently working on chapter seven. How many will there be? I don't know and won't know until I have the story completed in story format.

Again, while this is the project that most of my writing time is devoted to there is no timeline or projected release date.



Learning Together III - Update

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Hello Everyone,

I'd like to wish all the fathers out there a Happy Father's Day. I don't know why, but a memory sprung up. I thought it was funny. So here we go, I was attending a function with my family and a beautiful scantily clad female walked by. I noticed her. My sixteen-year-old daughter looked at me and said: "Dad, really!" She had her hands out palms forward and everything. I almost burst out laughing. For her, it was a really prissy move. I looked at her and said, "You ought to be grateful I find such things interesting because if I didn't you wouldn't be here." The expression on her face was priceless. I enjoyed it.

I am a bit over 9,300 words of the first version of Learning Together III. I'm still not setting a timeline. I will say I have completed twelve of the forty scenes I have allocated for it though the final scene count may vary a little either way.




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