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Darian Wolfe: Blog


Learning Together III - Destiny

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Hello Everyone,

After much thought, I've decided that the characters of LT III mean too much to me to give up on their story. I'm going to finish this universe. The only thing that will stop me is death or I'm so Looney Tunes that I'm wearing one of those sweaters that like to hug you.

I don't know how long it will take, but I will do what I can.


The Fate of Learning Together 3

Posted at Updated:

Hello Everyone,

My illness is making it hard to write. So I'm having to come to terms with the fact that my writing career may be over, I am hoping that my current condition is temporary. I'm giving it about another week if nothing changes I will be handing LT 3 over to an author I trust to complete it.

I am having a lot of issues with spelling and grammar. Also, I have written half-sentences believing they were full. It's a lot like walking through hip-deep maple syrup. My new meds have sharpened my mind so that I'm not feeling like 30 things are going on in my brain at the same. It has not done anything for my memory except to make me lucid enough to see clearly each and every way my mind and speech fails me. That really sucks.

The characters of my deeper stories become people to me. I care about the Roberts. I have invested a lot of time creating their Universe. The characters added their own ideas in the mix. Reader's responses also helped form their world. Both of you deserve to see where it goes. It's looking more and more that I'm not the one to finish it. This sucks, too. By next Tuesday I'll make my decision.


EDIT: I read this again after several hours. I called the Rogers the Roberts. A minor example of what I'm talking about.

Learning Together III Update

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A quick reminder for those who were waiting. I posted chapter 7 on January 6th. The time of day I posted was rather late for me so it got buried the next morning. Lol. I hope you enjoy it,



Happy New Year every one.

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As you've noticed, I have not updated LT3 for a bit. We had the Holidays with family visiting. We've also had the flu thing, as well as the internet, turned off. For the cherry on top, Since there was no internet, my writing software could access it decided that it was not a valid copy until told otherwise.

So I was unable to get to my notes ect. Throw in a couple more days for my disabilities messing with me and I was building a computer program to remind me of things. That brings us to now. I have internet access a few hours a day so hopefully things will be popping.

Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope each of you have a love filled holiday along with full bellies.



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