Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Chaon: Blog


Alas we have lost another author.

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I just found out that a very good author who has been posting here for a while, Starfleet Carl, had passed away on June 29th, 2023.

Condolences to his family and friends from all of us who has enjoyed his writing.

His largest work has been the story of California Lewis in A True History books and with 4 completed books and a final 5th that was in the process of being completed, we read a fantastic story.

We can only hope now that the book 5 will be published to tie this saga off.

Update: Firedrake who is the son of Carl has started to post the remaining chapters of book 5 to Sci-Fi stories website.

You will be missed Carl.

Clitorides Award winners

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Congrats to all the winners of the 2022 Clitorides Awards.

And congrats to the runners up and those who got nominated. Fantastic work from you all.

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays or whatever.

Posted at

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays or whatever to all the writers and readers who have made this year so much easier to handle.

It's looking like next year is going to be more of the same but with all the talent here, we will have something to take our minds off how things are going.

Take care and protect yourselves and your friends and family and we will get through this.

Just a little thing my muse forced me to write

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Well with the 20th anniversary of September 11 just past, my muse forced me to put down some thoughts about that terrible day and what I saw from so far away.

It's not fantastic story or even entertaining but just some musings on that day from me.

The Repairman

Posted at

Hi wonderful readers.

Just a tiny little short-short story this morning that came to me while I was trying to actually get some sleep last night.

And when I finally got to sleep, I got woken up by neighbor upstairs using some type of industrial drill or grinder or something that rattled everything with an atrocious sound that had me jumping out of bed thinking it was falling down.

But aside from that, enjoy the story for what it is. A quick laugh.



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