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In the Battletech game, the timing of each round of battle is very short. A full round of movement and/or combat takes a total of ten seconds.
This is why, as you read the chapters, you will notice I have each paragraph as a combat round where every mech or vehicle has moved/fired and then I move on to the next.
So battles can be completed in under a minute or stretch out to as long as 5 or even 10 minutes. That may not seem long but in the heat of battle, as combat veterans will tell you, that time can feel like hours.
I hope this helps to understand how my writing feels.
Thank you.
A reader was kind enough to tell me that I made a mistake in the pronouns for a character, Medusa. Medusa was not happy with that and told me to fix it.
So it was fixed.
A reader commented that they would like to see some sex in my story, 'Campaign of Poltergeist's Marauders'. And I just wanted to give a small reply for those people who are reading it.
I am a very new author and as such I am still feeling my way into the labyrinth of story telling. Until I feel more confident about putting sex scenes into it, the story will be M rated.
But I do have some ideas of possible scenarios with a little more adult play time that doesn't depend on violent fights in 10m high battlemechs.
And to all who read any of my stories, thank you very much.
Well I just uploaded the edited chapters into the queue so they should come up soon. Just minor spelling mistakes that I didn't catch the first, second or third read through.
With the conviction of Cardinal George Pell for historical sexual abuse, I have to mention that he might have been the inspiration for my story 'Final Reward.'
Thank you all for your comments and votes for all my stories.
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